collected in September 13959 showed no significant difference
in either K or Cs contenit3,


39 “ho depressive effect

of the K fertilization on C3-137 was apparently transitory,

although the possibility of seasonal differances exisis.



P, and K fertilization in various combinations de-

prassed the uptake of Cs-137 in ali cases in the greenhouse

Zi was clear that dilution by increase of dry

yield with fertilization couid not explain the reduction of
che C3137 levels, but no gemeral explanazion for the effecis
of the three elements can be given at this time.
possible interes:

One fact of

in this connection was ihe considerabiy

higher uptaxe ot KX which was obaervec with the PreK treaimenis

(i. @. without KX) with both squash and tomato.
The results of the pot cultures Go not distinguish
Claarly between the effects of the differant fertilizer elements on Cs-137 content of the Plants,
volved single elamonts.

since no treatments in-

There was an indication in the tomato

that high K content was associated with lower Csa~-137 content,

but this was not confirmed by the tests using squash.

A pos-

gible explanation for this difference lies in the fact that

Select target paragraph3