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(>) Cratering events:
wive cratering tests conducted as part or the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission Plowshare Prosram for the peaceful application of nucleer
explosives took place between 1953 and 1968.

Although some radio-

activity was devected in the atmosphere following each test, only the

Palanquin event of 14 April 1965 resulted in elevated ist levels in

the PMN milk (Period 2).
is shown in figure 8.

‘The meteorological trajectory for this event

Only Helena, Montana, reported detectable levels

or zit in milk.


Radioiodine must pass from the atmosphere through crops, cows, dairy

transport, storage and pasteurization before its radioactivity is measured
in milk in the PHS laboratories.

These delays involve only

but may, in rare cases, take up to five days for the PMN.


a few days



Further, only

one sample per week is routinely collected from cach milkshed.



the delays and periodic sampling can result in time differences between
nuclear cloud arrival and first milk contamination in Table 1 of up to
& week anda halt.
in period 2.

The longest time difference, eleven days, was found


As discussed in the next paragraph, the explanation involves

-. another factor, the weather.
During the colder haif of the year in northern milksheds, herds are fed



scored nay so that the cows have’ little opportunity to obtain radioiodine

even if fallout were present (10).

<A specific instance in which this was

observed took place at Helena, Montana,



which according to Weather Bureau


records, was snow-covered on April 16, 1965, the date of fallout deposition
from the Palanquin cravering event, until a thaw a few days later.


probable delay in exposure of the cattle to the deposited radioiodine
may help to account for the eleven day delay between deposition and Pirst


milk contamination.
Tnere were four other cratering tests at the NTS between 1963 and 1968,

none of which elevated the PMN milk radioiodine. These tests were


intentionally conducted during the colder half of the year with wind blowing


towards the north to take advantage of the fact that dairy cattle were on

dry Seed; the absence of zit in milk does not preclude its deposition.

(c) Underground tests:
Tre contribution of radioicdine Prom underground nuclear tests at the

Nevada Test Site (NTS) in PMN milk since September 1961 has been questioned

Select target paragraph3