
interpretation, which considered that the plebiscite results fell

short of the Palauan constitutional requirement for a seventy-five
percent majority approval of certain defense-related provisions of
the Compact, has prevented that government from completing ‘its
constitutional approval process on the basis of those results.
The Compact cannot therefore be applied to Palau unless this
constitutional issue is resolved.

The passage by Congress of the Joint Resolution approving the
Compact of Free Association will constitute a landmark step in the
process leading to the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement

with the United Nations Security Council which the United States
entered into by Congressional joint resolution on July 18, 1947.
Another political jurisdiction of the Trust Territory of the

Pacific Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, will become a
commonwealth of the United States pursuant to the terms of
Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth Covenant, P.L. 94-241, 90
Stat. 263, upon termination of the Trusteeship Agreement.

The Compact of Free Association for which I am seeking
approval was signed for the United States by my personal

representative, Ambassador Fred M. Zeder II, on August 26, 1982
with the Republic of Palau, on October 1, 1982 with the Federated
States of Micronesia and on June 25, 1983 with the Republic of the

Marshall Islands.

It is the result of more than thirteen years of

continuous and comprehensive negotiation between the United States
and broadly representative groups of elected delegates from each

Select target paragraph3