



Dr. Conard explained that the reason the thyroid gland received a much larger

dose than the whole body is because of a process called selective absorption by
the thyroid of radioactive iodine from food and water ingested by the Marshallese
following the fallout.
The more serious cases of Rongelap individuals with thyroid nodules have
Deen brought back to the United States for thyroid surgery.

Included in this

group were nine children who had benign adenomatous goiters and an older woman

who had cancer of the thyroid gland.

It is not mown whether her cancer is related

to the failout.
All of the individuals with thyroid abnormalities were put on a special
treatment of thyroid hormones in tablet form when the abnormalities were first

an analysis of blood samples in the past year showed that not everyone

was taking the tablets regularly, which is necessary if normal thyroid hormone
levels are to be maintained.

It is especially necessary for the children if they

are to grow and develop normally and remain healthy.

To overcome this problen,

a new treatment schedule was put into effect this year.

Instead of relying upon

each individual to take one tablet daily, seven tablets will be taken once a week
in the presence of a responsible individual who will use a check-off list.


is no difference in body assimilation of the hormone between the once-a-week dosage versus the daily intake.

Conard reported that in the near future four Rongelap thyroid cases

(three teen-age boys and a 29 year old woman) will be brought to Brookhaven Nation-

ai Laboratory's Medical Research Center for detailed study and evaluation of the
need for thyroid surgery.

Gutside of the thyroid abnormalities, there were no new medical effects or
nutritional deficiencies noted as a result of the exposure.
tion is in good heaith and good spirits.

The general popula-

In the exposed group, no death occurr-

ed and no miscarriages or still births were reported, although a number of normal,
healthy babies were born to both the exposed and un-exposed people.

Over the

years a number of deaths have occurred, but none of them are attributed to the fall-

out or its effects.
Dr. Conard noted that the 1969 examination will be the 15th post-exposure
year, and a complete examination of both the exposed and control population is




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