
¢ Char 1970 by factor of about 80. &r-80 higher by factor of about 5. Memo
to Liverman, May 11 2977.
¢ in vivo counting of Bikin' residents Collection of large volumes
urine mamples results suspect. The average Ce-137 burden for 2 individuals
tm 19TT is 10 times the average for & individuals in 1974 Two individuals had
body burdens of Ce-187 of 88 pCi /kg which is tery pear the maximom permissifle burden of 43 pCi /kg. Memo Conard to Liverman, May 11, 1977.
October 1977 : Large volumes urine samples collected under controiled conditions
te avold cross contamination Besults to be svailable in May 2978.

Dra ‘We made resurveys of the Bikini environmen including

soil and groundwaters in 1969, 1970 and 1972. Annual collection o
urine saroples for radiation ans!ysis began in 1970, and with those people who were working for the
agricultural and housing projects.


eS, sir.
r }aTes. Did you have non-Bikinians working for them at that

Mr. Dest Tcan’t answer that.sir.
rT. DEYOUNG. It is my understanding that there were other Marshallese in the work force who were not from Bikini.
Mr. Yares. You examined them es well. Were they examined
through that time?
Mr. prYornc. Yes, as long as they were on the island.
Mr. Yares. Go ahead.

{r Drar. We later included collections from the people who had
living in the houses: monitoring the Bikini residents was
done by whole body counts in 1974 and 1977.

Mr. Yares. What is a whole body count?
Mr. Deay. That is a very sophisticated counting system where you
essentially sit in a chair and where you have a counter that detects
radiation from ‘hz cesium that has been taken up in the body. It actuuly counts the body’s burden of cesium.
r. Yates. Is that the same strontium!

travel together in the body. You can see that the

strontium is——

Mr. Yares. These are like the heavenly twins.

Mr. Dear_ You can measure the strontium with urine samples, but
we have not been able to see much of thet in the urine samples avail-

able to date. They do the whole body counting sample for cesium.
We had a major resurvey of Bikini and Eneu Islands in 1975.

Peet Yates. Until ‘75 you found nothing. What did your tests

Mr Dray That is when we began to see the rise m the cesium. |

YATES. Will you place in the record a statement representing

the levels vou found?
(The information follows :]



Select target paragraph3