
Designation of Acting Genera: Manager
The Commission:

a, DESIGNATED Carleton Shugg as Acting General Manager of
the Commission effective at the close of business August 15, 1950; and

b. AUTHORIZED and directed the Acting General Manager to discharge those functions and responsibilities vested in the General
Manager, pursuant to existing delegations of authority, orders, and
At this point Mr, Courtney entered the meeting,

Clearance of Louis Ridenour

Mr. Dean said that on the previous day Mr. Thomas Finletter, Secretary
of the Air Force, had called him concerning the clearance of Dr. Louis
Ridenour and had sent Under Secretary of the Air Force McConeto discuss

the case with Mr. Dean (See Chairman’s Memorandum for File concerning

his conversation with Mr. McCone, dated August 10, 1950),

The Air Force

was familiar with the results of investigation of Dr. Ridenour and, while
recognizing the nature of the personality problem which they would acquire,
felt that Dr. Ridenour's services were essential and that there was no
question as to his loyalty. After discussion, the Commission:
a, NOTED that the Department of the Air Force, after reviewing

the investigative material on Louis Ridenour, had confirmed the request

that the Commission grant ‘‘Q*' clearance to Dr, Ridenour; and

b, REQUESTED that an interview with Dr. Ridenour be held in order
to supplement material in his personnel security file.

At this point Mr. Courtney left the meeting and Dr, Shields Warren



European Visit by Director of Biology and Medicine

Dr. Warren reported to the Cornmission on his observations and discussions during his recent trip to France, England, and Belgium to attend
scientific conferences.
During the above discussion, Dr. Colby entered the meeting,
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