Tovenber 15, 1950


Joon Ae Derry

2eauests were cvansmitted to all area coordinators for suycesvca
Siwjecus or Suters conferencese Yased on ressonses to tris inqury,
a 3senedile will se evolvedce

Ubese members of tne DSranca attended the Annual Joint AIGE/I2E Conference on fucleonics and _‘edicine in Nev York City on October 23
Sopough 25. sesides a tio day xrocren of technical napers oresented

oy ASC, Devartuent of Defense, university; and industrial scientists,

sue conference syonsored a lar ;e exqloition of commercially available
radiation detection equinnente

Tne Sranen, coozerating wien the Panel on Zlectron Tubes of the Nescarch
and Develonment Soarda, has extenced invitations to all areas ror a
nestins to ,e held in Atlantic City on December 12 and 12 on Comouter
Tubese The eiphasis of this conference wiil be on the special character~
istics and reliability required of electronic devices used in commuter
Two Srancn members visited the Bureau of Suios for a small orivate
snowing of srototvees of the ohosonor glass dosimeters (September

Procress 2enort, Section II, 3)e

Their size (1" in dianeter by L/en

thick), stability, and rugsedness as well as the rances of exoasure
covered snow reat ~romise for use as a ailitary or civilian devense
nme cosinetcre
Svecial Slectron Tuve Develonrient Program
A meeting was neld with renresen

of the Radio Corooration of

america, the Jlavy, and the ATC (Sestsacber Progress Report, Section IZ,


C)} to discuss the further coordination
“or dhotomultiniier suoe develoynent.
‘avy willl continue tne orozras Cor she
toes Tor allVoary
use altnousjh it can
hae sould vaithdvawr suoporte
leoresentcatlves of 204,

and Zl to



2tcb, and the AIR met in Jak Ridge on Octoser 30

discuss the sechnical aspcots of the develooment nrograa and

tO Saniiliarias


of the ANC and the Tavy >crocra;s
As a resuls of she neeting, the
develovuent and vroduction of
oeen oreviously indleated tvane

the ICA reoresentatives with sone of the work for which

2. a.

Duri1z the month, tic section attendied vO many of one details con=

cermins the Brancn sarticloation ii sae(eens orocrame
inclaue such .atbers as snare xarus lists, working bench space, oersonnel travel scAedes, ete.


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