m Ae Derry



Hovember 15, 1950

ANS Svonsored Jesearch and Develonment










Funds to the extents of 325,000 nave becn made available to the University
of Califorzia at Los Anveles to contract for the research, develonnent
and envineerin; to oreduce colorlnetric dosimeter vrototvoes for teste
These dosimeters are ».roposed to ve available for evaluation by January

15, 1951.


Cataloz edition aumoer two is currently being released and anproxinatoly
650 cooies have been distributed without cost to 159 addressees associated
with Government oirfices or under Government contract. It is anticivated
that an equal number will be sold to the public and industrv by the OrYice
of Technical Services, J. 5. Department of Commercee
insvection and Testins
One hundred and twenty Sive instruments

ceived durins the month of

Qctopoer were insvected anc testede ton“these instruments ‘were tvelve
wL00=develoved civilian defense sonitors «mica were the subject of a4
detailed renorte

Procurenent Summar
Atvaciment “io. 1 includes a Summary or Status of Suooly and Stocicile
Procurement for delivery to Coumission installationse Research and develonment contracts and Test Purcnase Orders are also resorted one The latver
contracts and ourchase orders aiffer fren the suoply orocurenent in that
tne services of oersonnel are a laerve xart of the contract comultmente

where @estinated coroletion dates are indicated on this atvacizacnt, requested
dates lave been used when delivery information has not been furnished by
bie conbractins of ice or tne corntractore

Technical Coorfination Activities

tne latest distripuvion Pieures for “A-DET received fron the Distribution

Section of the Technical Information Service, OR, include 147 addressees
with a total circulation of 621 copics.

The ovemoer issue of RARDST concludes Dr. Jartuut fallnann's revort on
SLiorcscence and Conductivits Phenomena, Part 1 of which was publisned in
ne Octoper issues «& renort pv S. 7. nicntaan of the Jlaval Research Lao=
oratory on rulse Geiser ube Qneration for the Jeasurement of Hich Intene=
sities of tadliation is co-icasured.
he Tirst officially released onotovra@on oF tne exoerLaental or unclassified" face of the 3rooxhaven reactor

ayoears on the covere


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