Minutes-Bicemedical Trogres

2.0 Ska Cestrability of a study ef LO using the svine
anddogs was discussed. It wes agreed thet such a
study should te done, since the extrapolatics fras

ovine or dogs to ran te relatively valld. frucer
stated that swine ere more nterly like san tron auy

other liberetary enizals, The geoeral opiaton vas
that doge shoul’ also ve used fer a lethal dose
study tacause of their gecoral vee in experizental

It was spperent thet a vote would have

favored the use of beth species rether than either


The general eliusation of the lerve aniral plane vas

120 of each species should de available at

thet tire.

cirigirally, it had teen plamed to use.

EG of each species for a cerial sacrifice study os
cach of tvo weapons tents.

Ecvever, for a raber of

riweana it ls now thought desiratia to uze all the
sree enimals for one xhot, the charecteristics of
watch ere falrly cartaia.

The question ves asked

which ctudy vould be preferred (i.e.
if caly ons could be done.

LD oF sacrifice)

Toere was fairly even

divisien of opinion, eml the concenrus was that both San BR

be done if possibie.


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