Project 31.1 = Microbarograph ~- W. A. Oustafron
The purpose of thie project was to measure vinds in osone layer of
the atmosphere.

This vas scoomplishe! by measuring at several sites the

arrival times of the shock vave reflected from the osone layer,
sites were operated:

Ujelang, Wotho, Rongerik, end Enivetok.

site two stations were operated abcut one mile apart.

At each

The dif‘erence in

arrival times gives the angle of incidence of the shock and information

from several statigns may be combined to give the vinis.
(KICKAPOO) good records vere obtained et all stations
operated except Rongerik.

Sovever, only Wotho and Ujelang vere distant

enough to get osoncsphere signals ani three directions are necessary to

extrect temperature and vind data from the recordings.


Select target paragraph3