soils (desert pavement and desert mound) showed a very different distribution
of the plutonium. In the desert pavement of Area 13, the plutonium was concentrated in the greater than 2.90 g/cm* band, whereas in the desert mound it was
In the surface samples from Area
concentrated in the 2.5 - 2.7 g/cm? band.
occurs in the greater than
11, the distribution of
However, in the smaller size classes, the data suggest that
2.90 g/cm band.
plutonium is distributed in the lighter fractions as well as the heaviest


Implications of Findings on Plutonium Distribution
Evidence indicates that plutonium is moving downward into deeper horizons in
The association of plutonium with the finer particle
the desert pavement soils.
sizes in the deeper horizons supports this hypothesis of downward movement.
Density gradient
What is not established is (are) the mechanism(s) of movement.
segregation of mineral particles from the different size classes and depths

may provide some insight into the mechanism(s).

The higher activity associated with the less than 20 wm size particles in the

desert mound as compared to the adjacent desert pavement indicates that the
finer sizes of plutonium are derived from a source close to GZ.
The distribution of mineral particle sizes with depth in the mound suggests considerable
mixing of the secondary aeolian material with the original substrate.
questions are raised about the mode of sampling desert mounds.
Further studies

are needed to establish the distributional pattern of plutonium in desert


It must be stressed that the results presented in this progress report are
preliminary and subject to change with additional information presently being
It is also expected that the results from these studies, compared

and collated with those being obtained by other participants in the soils

program, will help to evaluate further the situation existing in these NTS

test areas.


The desert pavement-desert mound samples taken at 102 feet from GZ in Area 11
will be investigated in a manner similar to the sample reported herein.
Results of studies on samples previously taken in Area 11 as part of the

preliminary mound study (Brady, 1975) will be examined, and samples which show
promise of providing further insight into the plutonium distribution in the

desert mounds will be investigated.

Additional fractionation of the organic material from the inorganic fraction

will be made of several desert mound samples.
The separated organic fraction
will be analyzed for plutonium to obtain the plutonium concentration, and

studies will be made to compare differences in characteristics of the organic-

versus inorganic-associated plutonium.


Select target paragraph3