We are pleased about the remarks made in your letter about the Brookhaven
medical team,

ERDA has a great deal of confidence in Drs. Conard and Knudsen

and the other fine doctors that have taken part in the medical program.


are sure they always had your welfare at heart.
We are convinced that the medical examinations of the Rongelap people
have been very thorough and complete with many tests on the people and on
their blood, urine, etc.

Some of the most skillful doctors in the U.S. and

from other countries have taken part in these examinations.
the best equipment possible that can be taken to the island.

They have used
You can be

sure that the examination program ensures early diagnosis and treatment of
all diseases.

arrangements are being discussed to permit all the people

living on Rongelap, including children, to have an examination at least once
a year by the Brookhaven doctors.

We have plans with the Trust Territory to

provide further education for the Health Aides in the diagnosis and treatment of radiation effects.
We realize that at the

time of the annual examinations,

there is suf-

ficient disruption of life and that the team should provide additional food.
Therefore a sufficient amount of food will be furnished by the team during
the period of the examination.
Members of our staffs have had several discussions with Dr. Conard regarding the past and future medical care of the Rongelap people.

From these

discussions, it has become clear that effective medical care can only be
proficed if the doctors can spend enough time with the people of Rongelap to
talk to them and answer their questions.

Dr. Conard and the other doctors

are making arrangements to stay on at Rongelap for as long as necessary to
make sure that all people get a chance to talk to them.

Select target paragraph3