
DOO and AEC witli folingby undertake the cleanus of Bikin? tn accordance
with the gaume of work outlined

in the ART


hereto and made a part of thi¢ agregmant.
The getimated cost of the clearance operation t¢ a@bmut $1.26 based on the
AED Planning Estimate.

This does not include an estimated additiona!

$160,000 for alrlift fron Hawali te Eneu istand.

Terral estimated funding

requirements aré For $1.34 of which about $600 000 would be exsended
in F¥-1969,

AEC and S00 will dointiv fund the FY<1964 coats on an

equal ghere beaeis te & celling initially estabilehed at $390,000 for each
Dar ev.

AEC FY-1969 funds will he expended if.e., not dust oblleated? in FY-~ 19469.
B00 F¥-)960 funds will be obligated, out rape agcessaritv exmended in F¥= 1969,
The AEC will be responsibie for Insuring that radialegical health and
safety requirements are meat; this responsibility may be delegetad to
the Praject Manager designated below.
Tre Chairman, doing, Chiefs of Steff, will be requested

iby BOD}


designate Girecter, tefense Atomic fupmert agency (DASS) as Praject
Manager for the clearing oneration described ebave,

DASA will eat for

both the Chairman, the ALC and the Secretary of Defense in accom bishing
this oroject; and F¥-i966 funds for this purmese, a$ noted above, will


be made availahie to BASA by AEC and Secretary of Befensae.

in addition to the requirements noted in the AEC Planning Estimate, it
ig recognized thet wee of certain equinment or other asgets available
to the AEC aed GOD mey be reduired, areal such use would be

best imterest of the U, S&S.fdovernwent.

in the overall

When avellable and a4 mutuaily

mae alien

agreed between the pg


Pee RCE Manager,

the esuloment

Select target paragraph3