Mr. LeBaron stated that a requirement for an emergency

capability for ee existed,
ment of airplanes to

The develop-

carry this weapon is now under way.


Dean said that although AEC is sti11 carrying out-the developa
ment of an emergency capability for the
-other approaches toward deliverable thermonuclear weapons are~baing-de-

~elo eed


Fiverea at the same time.

There followed a discussion of the support problems
resulting from a postponement of the test.

These problems |

include the deployment of elements of the task force.
Admiral Wright stated that it might be necessary to with-_
draw certain of the Naval elements.
out that if the task force is

Mr. Zuckert pointed

disbanded and another formed

at a later date it could very well result in a further delay of the test.

He stated that, in his opinion, the support

elements of the test must not become the over-riding oon-


Admiral Wright said that 1t would be necessary

for the Navy to have a decision in the near future in order
that it might plan for this eventual postponement.

Mr. Dean

suggested that -the matter of timing of CASTLE could not
be settled at this session and that,

on an interim basis,

Admiral Wright might tell the Navy that the Commission has
serious doubts that the test can be held in the fall of 1953.
. It was agreed to meet again on December 23 to consider
this problem further.



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Select target paragraph3