whoO re
promptly and have since been welcomed back with some qualifications

for the conduct of additional DOD experiments.

You will note that while the complaint or claims received have been
substantial, we very promptly investigate these and only on a
Crosstie Series did we actually receive and pay any substantial


One was - the greater amount of that was for a private

contractor's equipment which was immediately adjacent to the shot
point and was damaged.

The more recent event in the Bowline Series,

in particular the Benham Event, resulted in claims amounting to
The last program I will very briefly touch on is maintenance and
readiness in the Pacific.

January 1, 1965,

We attained an airdrop capability in

This capability afforded us the opportunity of

conducting nuclear testing on a fast response time, like 60 days,
using the KC-135 diagnostic flying laboratories supported by DOD.
Of course, our efforts, particularly at the Nevada Operations Office,
are in support of the Joint Task Force
this case, again,

Eight technical programs.


is the responsibility of the laboratories,

Recently we have been in process of developing a high altitude capability for the construction of some new facilities and the modification

of equipment oriented to high altitude capability with maintaining
some capability in the airdrop program.

TI think that's enough to say

on that except that program, of course, is in support of one of the

Select target paragraph3