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Pen yt my een ors BW

Let's take a look at the Milrow chart.


We find ourselves now generally

at the end of October and we are looking for authority to ship the
device along about that date; received executional authority about
September date and be in position to execute about the October date.
Going into more detail, as time permits, regarding the necessity for

early approvals.
Now let's take a look at operational safety.

This is somewhat a bureau-

cratic approach to the problem, but I think it clearly illustrates the
review process.


let's start at the bottom.

six scientific management centers,

The effects area are divided into
either the Geological Survey,


Sandia Laboratory, LASL, LRL, Environmental Sciences or Air Weather
Bureau (Air Resources Laboratory), and the Battelle Memorial Institute,
Specific effects of the program are assigned to the management center
and the number of contractors are assigned to each of the scientific
management ceaters fortechnical control purposes.
sucn as Milrow,

An unusual shot,

results in the assignment of a scientific evaluation

scientist who brings together the total effects picture.

The effects

evaluation scientist and its report are reviewed by the sctentific
management center,

by panels of consultants,

for example,

in the case

of Milrow the seismic panel not directly reporting to the Atomic Energy
Commission, outside consultants have reviewed the recommendations,
Scientific Advisors review it


and based upon this the Manager, Nevada

Operations Office is in position to make recommendation. to the Assistant
General Manaser for Military Application.
of course,

A completely separate review,

is made by the Atomic Weapon Safety Advisory Board as to the

handling and safety of the nuclear device itself.

Once the effects

Select target paragraph3