
actually came up with a preliminary design as to how we might support

this test,

We nave looked at this concept again and to replace the

current program we would probably require some two year$ and about an

additional $200 million to place us in the same opemting situation as
we now find curselves in preparation for Milrow.

Let's come back and take another look at the Island of Amchitka.
Executive Order 1733 which was issued in 1913 to reserve the Aleutian
Islands for Fish & Wildlife purposes provides
of this reservation,
Island for (iight)

for the establishment

however, we shall not interfere with the use of this

houses, military or naval purposes.

Amchitka has in its (power)

However, because -

to the national wildlife refuge, we have

undertaken very special activities and initiated many studies to protect
the ecology of the Island and nearby waters.

We have spent more than

$3 million in the past 2-1/2 years in identifying the possible ecological
effects of AEC activity on the Island and
and minimizing these effects.

in devising means of measuring

The first test, Project Milrow, will be in

the yield range of the larger tests conducted at the Nevada Test Site I'll discuss this yield problem in a minute,
cf about

but it will be in the range

1 mt.

The calibration test will be

located 4,000 feel below ground and is

tentatively scheduled for the Fall of 1969.

Specifically, we are attempt-

iag to attain a readiness date of October 1,


The calibration test

ts to evaluate the effects of larger tests upon ecology of the Island and

water surrounding the Island’ the possibility of inducing seismic aftershocks of magnitude comparable to or greater than the shot itself.

Another aspect of public safety. The size and depth of (surial) of shot





Select target paragraph3