

. !

left is about 65 miles from Las Vests’ andPahute Mesa is about 60 miles

ro the north of Mercury,

This is an aerial view of the NTS looking north

iato Frenchman and Yucea Flats.

The first tests were conducted here in

i951 as part of the RangerSertes.

It Sas Deen the site of over 350 tests,

including three tests for the United Kingdom and Pliowshare device development
tests as wdl as the first major cratering event of about 100 kt.


supporting the test program of a capital value of about $200 million.


geology and hydrology have prove exceptionally suitable although originally
the site was picked for atmospheric test purposes.

Approximately 10,000

people are employed here and its operating contractor is the largest single
employer in the State.

Yucca Flats, about 10 x 20 miles in size, north of

the Control Point is the primary firing area for events of less than 500 kt.
In 1963 an agreement was reached with the Air Force to add about 103,000 acres
where deep hole construction was possible.
bility of enplacing device
of up to 120 inches.

This would afford us the capa-

in depths up to 5,000 feet with drilled diameters

This upper yield Limit at Pahute has not been established,

although one may speculate that it probably approximates 1.5 mt.
typical emplacement facility.

This is a

It's probably not completely accurate for any

event that has ever been fired at the Test Site.

Each event, of course,

is carefully designed for containment and the diagnostic information that
is required,

You will note the depth - the canister being at the botton with

various materials

teing emplaced from a cow se backfill interlayered with fine

backfill and finally a grout

fill at the top and, of cowse, a cap.


rule of success in the containment of underground nuclear explosions really
comes out of the (effort)

to zet a (representative) picture of containment.

We have looked at a 171 tests performed from August 5,
Test Ban Treaty was signed,

to March 1,


1963, when the Limited

This number ineludes all

Select target paragraph3