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_ Kethods and Mezsurements:
_ Approximately 7 holes will be drilled with a ground power Buger at

selected locetions along the center lines of Bikini and Eneu Islands.

Pits will be dug with a back hoe to a maximum depth since the ground water |
reservior surfece will be épproximately 2 meters below the ground surface.
ie must emphastze that the progress of this program wil) be serfously hempered
if a beck hoe 4s not available to support our effort. The suger will peneirate the ground water lens to a depth of epproximately 3 to 5 feet. Each
hole will be cased with slotted 2" diameter PYC pipe and the pipe will be
‘extended to the sot? surface. The pit wil) be back filled to essentially

provide no environmental impact on the ares.





The first hole will be loceted near the island center. The solinity of
the water will be measured with an in-situ conductivity probe. 2 holes will
then be dr{lied to bracket the center hote and the salinity wil) be measured
in each. Ke wit? continue drilling up to 7 holes on each island proceeding
in the direction toward the freshest indicated ground water; this will provide

the maximum number of well sites. having the freshest water for potenti

utilizetion. Hater will be pumped from the wells, filtered and sampicd.
Radionuclides, major elements, nutrients end bacteria neasurements will be
made at the laboretory to provide dats for water quality. Specific rells
(to be defined in the field) will be pumped continuously over a day and

sertolly sempled, to follow ihe changes in water quality es s function of
useoc. Recomendetions will be made on the potential usefulness of the
ground woter reservior for agriculture, houschold or drinking purposes. THO
closely spaced wells, located in high Cs?37 disturbed and undisturbed soils,
Kil) be sampled to assess the impact of disturbed soil colvnas on the Jocal

ground weter quality, Sof] leaching and lysimeter experiments are also
planned. The well tocetions, drilling and sampling, however, are our first

priorities during the two weeks allotted for this program,

Assessment of the fresh water residence time will be nade from the data.
The well network, once established, will be available for resampling on sub-~
scovent trips we plan to the Atoll to thoroughly assess the dynamics of

rodionuciide cycling in the ground water reservior and to maintain 3

surveftience on the water quality. The program operation will be fashioned
after our Enevetsk ground water study and comparison of the data from both
etells should be espectally valuable for predicting the rechonisms and
rates of constituents in ground water et Pacific atolls. The U. of Hawsti
(Dr, R. Guddemeier) will have the enalytics] responsibility for major element
analysis and LLL (V. £&. Koshkin) will have the responsibility for radionuclide
assessment. Ke will determine the concentrations of C5337, SrS0, and
Plutonium in att samples by radio chemical techniques. Gamns emitters present
in & ferr{c hydroxide precipitate, will be fdentified and the levels assessed

from the spectrometry data.

Tritium will be measured on selected samples.

Ptant/Soit Samp ino Prooram

The main thrust of the prograin will be to determine radionuctide —

concentrotions in food species, to correlate these with sof? concentrations

et wevarious depths, to determine nuclide availability to plants in the coral

fae Sense er.

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Select target paragraph3