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F&S Numbers will not be included in Table 5-1 of Volumes andII.
Only active F&S Numbers will be included in this Table. Tables 3-4
thru 3-6 of Volume III delineates the relationship between applicable
active F&S Nos., building numbers, scientific station numbers and

the Users of the various facilities and structures at Johnston Atoll,
the Hawaiian Islands and Kirtland AFB. A complete listing of all active
and inactive F&S Nos., as a matter of historical reference, is on file
with the Logistics Planning Group.

Funding - The term ''Funding Agency" indicates the source of funds
for the design, procurement and construction ofa facility.

Funds may

be allocated by a single agency or from a combination of agencies,
depending upon participation in the particular project.

Where funding

responsibility for a facility has not yet been resolved, the Funding
Agency block will be left blank. Where applicable, DOD funded facilities will include a separate amount for furniture; whereas, the furniture

costs will be included in the construction costs for AEC funded facilities.
The cost estimate for construction includes the estimated cost of procurement for both DOD and AEC funded facilities. In the listing of costs
or estimates, values are in the thousands of dollars.

Prior Costs, as listed in this edition of the F&SR Plan, are defined as
that portion of the money expended as of June 30, 1968. For all subsequent changes to the F&SR Plan, Prior Costs are defined as those

costs expended as of the last completed fiscal year.

FY 69, Fy 70, FY 71 and Post-GO costs are defined as estimated
expenditures planned for the applicable time frame.
GO - "GO" is defined as the date Presidential Authorization is given
to proceed to test with highest priority in the now prohibited environ-

ments. A BOD or FOD of GO+30 indicates that the facility will be
required 30 days after ''GO"'.

I.D. No. - Identification number assigned by H&N for cost identification purposes.

Narrative - The narrative section below the title block on the facility
or project description page provides the current Pre-GO and Post-GO
status of engineering, procurement and construction and includes a

description of the facility. Holmes & Narver, Inc., is responsible
for all engineering, procurement and construction mentioned in all
volumes unless another organization is indicated.



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