~5Command personnel were aboard ships standing off Bikini Atoll at shot

Some fallout did occur on these ships but. by maneuvering the ships

and by having the personnel remain below deck for a few hours the total
dose was minimized.

For example, my film badge later showed 150 milli-

By the time of our return to home base on Perry Island, Eniwetok, the
radiation data on the northern island of Bikini had been obtained from
automatic recorders and showed values up to the thousands of roentgens per
hour at time of fallout.
and times involved.

These were not unexpected values for the distances

It is to be recalled that until 1954 one school of

thought held that high yield surface detonations would create intense fallout only in the immediate area of the shot and that most of the activity
would be carried into the stratosphere where it would be scattered widely
around the world,

March 1, 1954 saw the dismissal of that school - perman-

As had been planned previous to the detonation, an aerial survey was
made at H + 31 hours over Rongelap Island, 115 statute miles to the east
of ground zero,

The reported radiation levels were about 4.0 roentgens per

hour (extrapolated to ground level).

The aerial reading subsequently was

shown to be somewhat high, yet it triggered a chain of actions that was

Obviously, something had happened to the predicted fallout

pattern - later it was learned that shifting winds had veered RORARGHIVES
southward over Rongelap, Ailinginae Atoll, Rongerik Atoll and Utirik Atoll.

Select target paragraph3