roid then resulted in a substantially larger dose.
The total estimated dose from the various iodine

isotopes to the child’s-giss was
it 1006 rads, °
with a range of 700 to.1400an additional 175 rads from external gammatadiation. Details of these calculations have been given

by James and Ng andare presentedin Appendix

2. Although the skin overlying the thyroid gland wasfrequently the site of “beta burns?as shownin ;
Figure 20, the deposit of radioactive materials in
this area probablydid notaddsignificantly to the
thyroid dose, since most of the beta irradiations
were too weak to have
vegenetrated to the depth of
the gland.
Previous Thyroid Studies
Until 1963 no thyroid abnormality was detected

in either the exposed or the comparison population, except for one case of asymptomatic diffuse
thyroid enlargement seen in an unexposed woman.

It has not been possible to perform basal metabolism rate determinations, but careful physical examination of the thyroid and a variety oftests of
thyroid function have been performed during the
previous surveys.

Pratein-Bound lodine.**> The serum proteinbound iodine has been determined by the methods
ofFoss et al.*? at Brookhaven National Laboratory,

the Boston Medical Laboratories, and Bio-Science
Laboratories, Van Nuys, California. In addition,

estimation of the butanol-extractable iodine of
serum was done at Bio-Science Laboratories, and

also column chromatographyof the serum iodine
by a modification of the method of Galton and
Pitt-Rivers.*° In-severaliingtances the capacity of

thyroxine- meglobulin:(BG) was mea-

sured at NIH by a spethodaloseribed previously.°”

The reafilts of analygestor iodine in serum are

Figure 20. “Beta burns” of neck (subject No. 39, March

1954). The area over the thyroid was a frequentsite of

care has been taken to ensure that glassware and
syringes were not contaminated with iodine. This
can be seen by the fact that the total iodine is not
markedly greater than the PBI and by the normal
values for PBI obtained in 1964 on membersofthe
medical team, whose blood wgs obtained at the
sametime and udder the same conditionsas that
of the natives. The elevation in PBI could be due
to a general increase in serum PBI in all the
Rongelap population,or it could be due to the occurrenceof some genetic difference, so that a'substantial fraction of the pepulagon showabnormally high PBis and the remainder of the population is norma dn.the,first case, a plotofthetevel
of PBI versus
a cy ofoccurmgnee at that level
would sh
Bs emai:distribution, oxe itjanthe

shownin Table 14. (See Appendix3 for complete


several occasions andwith:-geveral different meth-

would ¢
aay anda‘family tree wauld'show
chispesing, th ecise typé.de
fepending on
the managebt}

protein-bound io@tire data.ATests apparentthat on

ods the average seruaiprotein-bound iodinein the

inhabitants of botlgRongelap and Utirik is higher
than normal, and that fram 16. to 64% of the
natives on Rongelap and 90% on Utirik show
values that are above the normal range by American standards. No8ignificant differences in the
PBI levels have been noted beqween the group
that had been exposedto radiation and the unexposed group. Thefirst results showing an elevated

PBI were obtained in 1958, and since that time

a the digplaced

Bing up-

; n ihe aedaemii case, the. dissribat oncurve

tion cumeg of
eel Seepsus
cidence at that
level, shows no evidencefor a bimodal! distribu-

tion. The low number of PBI values between 7.75

and 8.0 ug% be due tegtatistical fluctuation because ofthe small numbérs ofcases. Furthermore, the elevated values (defined as those
above 8.0 4.g%) did not show a familial pattern of
distribution. It appears, therefore, that the eleva-

Select target paragraph3