on Eniwetok

. (Continued from page 1)

‘lerritory so that the rehabilitation program could get

According to the joint announcement, it will be
necessary to carry out the same type of survey, cleanup
and rehabilitation procedures that have been used at
Bikini. “As an initial step,” the announcement said, “
U.S. plans to commence the survey of the atoll probably
fate this summer. The cleanup and rehabilitation of the
three islands--Parry, Japtan and Aniyaanii--in the


southeastern part of the atoll, will receive first priority.”

Prior -to the return of Eniwetok to Trust Territory

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Jurisdiction by the end of 1973, the announcementsaid,

“the United States is completing some research and
development testing on the atoll which will not involve
nuclear detonations of any type. These tests will in no
way interfere with an early commencement of the
rehabilitation process and will be completed by the end of


Deep Eccrance


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From Pale ...


Southwest Islands of Palau District, on the regular fielc


The M/V Pacifica left Koror late fast month for th

trip. However this trip is a special one for the islanders o
Sonsorol, Tobi, and Pulo Anna, and has been c:bbec
“Operation Southwest” by the district administration.
The reason is that the ship is carrying materials anc
men to construct long-awaited public buildings at thus:
three locations. On board the ship are two prefabdricatec
dispensary buildings, one for Sonsorol and the other for
Tobi, and a municipal building for the island of Pulo





The construction operation is the largest of its kinds
ever staged in Palau District. The M/V Pacifica is carrying
a team of ten men for each of the three islands. These
teams will assist in unloading the supplies, and will then
remain on the islands for about five to six weeks
completing construction of the buildings. The teams aze
composed of men from the District Public Works
Department, the Community DevelopmentDivision, and
the military Civic Action Team in Palau.
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The residents of Kayengel Atoll, ebout sixty miles

north of Koror, Palau, have seized another foreign fishing
vessel. {t is the second time in fess than a year that the
Kayengel Islanders have apprehended a ship for allegedly

violating the waters around their islands.
The fatest incident occurred when a boat flying a

Nationalist Chinese flag was spotted within the three-mile
limit, apparently fishing. The residents who saw the boat
notificd a Trust Territory Government boat which was
doing channel blasting in the vicinity, and the government
boat picked up the Magistrate and several men from the

village. Together they boarded the Chinese ship, scized her

for violation of territorial waters, and beld her until
district officials could arrive.

On September 1G, 1971, the residents of Kayenacl

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seized an Okinawan ship within their territorial waters.
That ship wes later found guilty of illegal entry and
fishing within the three-mile limit, and her owners had to
pay a substantial fine before the ship was released.

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