- 18 Paragraph


benefit side of the equation.

Considering the fear

that has prompted demands for medical evaluation and
treatment of any injuries for those who have lived
a@ year or more on Bikini

Island, it could be that the

benefit-risk balance of 1968 is no longer valid.
If the people will accept no risk at all, or control
of exposures within the standards, then return to
Bikini Atoll


is not feasible.

Ist sentence - defer to DOI and DOD as to what Bikinians
were told.
2nd sentence - President Johnson's Jetter speaks for

Detalled comment:

The terms "'safe'' and "'unsafe'' are

used In this paragraph without a precise definition or basis
for common understanding.

Using these terms as absolutes,

f.e., safe means that the chance of injury must be zero and
unsafe means the chance of injury is 100 percent, leads to

the conclusion that Bikini Atoll is unsafe and will be for
thousands of years to come.

By the same definition, Kili

and the rest of the entire earth are also unsafe due to
worldwide fallout, cosmic rays from space, naturalDQE ARCHIVE:
radioactivity in the body, and radiation from naturally

occurring terrestrial radioactivity.

Enclosure 1

Select target paragraph3