said that once it was established
that OVEC had the additional capacity,
was unlimited responsibility
on their part to continue supplying
He pointed out that under the agreement,
there was a firm
liMs power.
commitment on the part of OV EC to supply the specified amount of power
even ii they had to supply the power from the member companies’

Iv.r. Murray observed
that the proposed agreement
had a term
of three years, and that twenty-seven
months were required
for notice
He asked why the five year conof cancellation
or annual extensions.
tract which had been previously
discussed had not been accepted.
lvr. Bloch discussed
+&is point with the Commissioners
and said that
after consideration
of the problem,
it was decided that a contract
invo~ving a $xed demand charge based on the estimated operating
coqts OX#e plagt would be most desirable.
He added that, under this
conditi=ti} ? thyee Year contract would be to the mutual advantage of
the AEC aud .Q$!EC as neither party would then be committed to costs
w~c~ w..d’be
based on estimates.
he explained that the
month notice period was necessary
in order that OVEC
would have two years to absorb the 150,000 kilowatts into their system
and that the additional three months would be allowed for renegotiation
of an adjustment in price.
‘lwutually satis l\4r. Niurray questioned the use of the term
factcwy” as related to the renegotiation
of the price for this power
and suggested consideration
of a fixed price with escalation.
Mr. Bloch
t~i~c~~.~~edtllds point and Mr. N;urray requested that this clause in the


be clarified

with OVEC


an exchange

of letters.

In response
to a question by Mr. Murray,
Mr. Bloch said that
‘~-,,~AZC had the right to transfer
power blocks of not less than .5,000
~~iowatts to other government
plants if that power was not required
e.$ Portsmouth.

Mr. Murray then commented on the proposed letter to the JCAE,
az:cl suggested certain revisions
in wording relating to cancellation
Mr. Strauss su~~ested,
and the other Commissioners
that a briefer
letter should ‘be sent to the JCAE omitting any reference

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Select target paragraph3