classified information on the ANP program in the McKinney Panel

He said that detailed investigations have already been

made of the matter by the Maritime Commission and the Division

of Security.


(See AFC 868/5.)


(pp. 46-48)

Mr. Campbell reviewed current AEC financial matters.


Information Services

(pp. 48-5h)

With reference to Operation REDWING, Mr. Salisbury reported
on public media coverage of the open shot and on preparation of
briefing material for news media representatives.
Mr. Libby commented on the draft of tke second edition of

the Weapons Effect Handbook, and on his letter to General Luedecke
r-questing the addition in the Handbook of data on Pro jer2t Si: SHINE.
Mr. Libby said he believed the program for translatin-2
Russian scientific documents was very important.

Mr. So.isbur::

remarked that thie possibility of coordinating U. S. efforts in
this field with the British would be discussed with them.



(pp. 54-55)

Mr. Nelson briefly reported on the status of the review
of the inspection and appraisal functions of the Washington
Divisions and of the Operations Offices.

He also commented on

the inspection of those licensees having special nuclear material
or building and operating reactors.

He added that the States

are assisting in the latter inspections.

W. B. McCool

General Counsel

Select target paragraph3