A meeting was held with the medical staff to discuss Dr, Conard!'s

Also, requirements for the March 1, 1967 medical

survey was discussed.

This will be bigger than last year as the

control group is examined in addition to the exposed people.


was determined that all support is arranged by the medical services

group and they have ''dropped the ball" on the current and previous

Not much change is expected until the Acting Director is

replaced by a Director.

We discussed transportation problems with various people including

Paul Windsor, Assistant Commissioner for Economic Development.
We found that the request for an SA-16 Seaplane for the current trip
to Rongelap had not been passed on and none was available on such
short notice.

The planes are assigned from Saipan, but the districts

each control their own ships.

We could do nothing about a ship until

we got to Majuro.

We contacted Robert J. Johnson who will take A. Dale's place as

Kwajalein Trust Territory Representative effective October 4.


he is our only "voice" contact we went through all the details of supporting our program, especially the handling of subsistance and transportation of patients.


He was very cooperative and assured us of his full

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