occupied by the Navy.

We discussed billing procedures with Lorin D,

Anderson of Finance and they were agreeable to accepting a purchase
order from H&N on a fiscal year basis.

He was not able to determine

at that time why we received the billing for land rental and what agency
that had been billed in previous years.

Two days later it was deter-

mined the previous billings went to Defense Atomic Support Agency,
Washington D.C.

T.T. had sent a bill to DASA March 23, 1965, for

A meeting was held with Mr. Norwood in his office.


Conard explained his program and explained the AEC support part

of the picture.

Mr. Norwood asked if there was anything we could

do to get "'Bikini'' returned to the people.

Bikini people being used to

atoll living are finding it very difficult to adapt to island living on Kili.
We told him we would try to find out the status.

of the film "Return to Bikini" andI agreed.

He requested the loan

He also wondered if AEC

would grant salvage rights to various ships destroyed in the tests.


Japanese firm will clear out all of the debris if they can have the scrap
in the ships.

Mr. Norwood stated he was very interested in our pro-

gram andthe T,T. government would cooperate to the fullest extent.
We had another detailed discussion with Mr. Norwood at a dinner, the
subjects were mostly T.T. problems and the Peace Corps.

Our next meeting was with Robert K. Shoecraf, T,T. Attorney General.
We discussed the various problems in the support of our program and


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