
Clareus of BNI. for long years of faithful service
and also to Mr. P. Heotis and Mr. ML. Makar. In
the Trust Territory, Messrs. S. Shoniber, N.
Zetkeia, K. Mitzutani, J. Saul, and P. Bien, Mrs.
R. Harris, and many others have provided invaluable assistance over the years.

At Brookhaven National Laboratory contribu-

tions have been made by many individuals and by

many departments and divisions, including Medical, Instrumentation, Health Physics and Safety,
Photographyand Graphic Aris, Purchasing, Supply and Materiel, Staff Services, and others. We
are indebted tu the following personnel at BNI. for
their advice and support: in the Director’s Office.

Drs. LJ. Haworth, Ml. Goldhaber, GH Vinevard, and VP. Bond, and Mr. P. Rathvon: inthe

Medical Department, Drs. EXP. Cronkite, RB.

Aronusan, HLL. Atkins, LAK. Dahl, A.D. Chanana,

G. Ghikkappa, J. Iwai, J.$. Robertson, LV.

Hankes, CH. Wu, R.D. Stoner, and 1). Slatkin,
Messrs. WLA. Finn, C. Goldinan, W_ J. Walsh, and

W. Hanson, Mrs. 1. Montanez for secretarial help,
‘d the nursing stalf and orderties who gave the

wshallese patients excellent care; in the Health
Vhysics and SafewDivision, Mr. C.B. Meinhold and

Mr. N.A. Greenhouse, Jr; in the Dastrumentation
Division, Dr, MLN. Radcka. We are also grateful to

Mr. KRADL. Thompson for statistical computations

and Mrs. MM. Dienes for editurial assistance, We

are Most appreciative to the people of BNL for

generous donations of clothing, books, and toys
fur the Marshallese.

ance in carrying out this joint niission, i particu.
lar Mr. EB. Johnston, High Camumissioner. Mr.

P. Coleman, Mr. B. Heine, Dr. Af. Russasugat,

and Dr. W. Peck at Saipan, and at Majuro Mr.
O. DeBrum, Dr. J. Tobin, Mr. J. Puatoa, and
Drs, J. laman, E. Riklon, J. Anjain, AE. Rorean,
and others.
At Kwajalein (Rwajalein Missile Range) we

are grateful for the splendid support of the U.S.
Army Group: Gol, J.L. Fishback, Cul. R.L. Russell, Gol, RLA. Ehlert, Col. R.F. Sullivan, Mr. JS.
Beavers, and Mr. R. Elaley; and to personnel from
Global Associates: Mir. R. Bryant, Mfr. 22D. MeAlee, Dro J. Schacter, and particukirly Mr. PF.
Grannich and Mr. bt. Hauck; to Vrust Territory
representative Mr. W. Ownbey: and our special
thanks voto the crew ofthe LCU (frdtanus ),

la Japan we are indebted to the stall of the
Atomic Bomb Casualty Camuission (naw Radia-

tion Effects Research Foundation) particularly
Drs. G. Darling, 1. Allen. H. Makic and [. Nagai
for venerous support and assistance in maintain:

ing fiaison between the wo studies: also to Dr. ‘VT.
Ruanatori and others ef the stalfafthe National

lastitute of Radiological Sciences at Shiba.
Tn England it isa pleasure to acknowledye the
advice and help of Dr. ELE. Pochin of the University College Hospial Medical School, London,

Anoeng medical specialists frond other institutions
we are most grateful to Des. Shields Warren, W.

Meissner, J. Reid, A. Uptan, aad D.A. Wood for
their personal interest in the examinations andfor
their advice on pathological diagnosis; also to the

We are indebted to the Atomic Energy Commis:
ston (now ERD.A) for their staunch support, parueularly to Drs. J. Touer, fol. Liverman, CLE.
Carter, WOW, Burr, CW. Edington, 8S. Marks, and
NI. Barr and also to Dr, MB. Biles and Messrs. J.

Johnson, G.H. Auinck, ALA. Legu, S. Lindsay, S.
Lippincott, S.J. Robbins, ROW. Rusvoll, ALL.

erations Oifice to Mr, ALE. Gates and Mfr. R.
Ray. We wish to acknowledge the cuistanding

EJ. Kamin anghis stalfat Tripler Army Medicai

Deal and T.F) McCraw; and at the Nevada Op-

contributions of the Pacilig Area Support Office in
Honolulu, by Messrs, W. Bonnert, Wo. ELiIbs. J.
Miller, W. Morrison, J. Abreu and particularly
WS. Sureenan, whose devoted service was exsential to the successful conipleuion of the surveys. At
the AEC Health and Safety Laboratory we ap-

preciate the assistance of Drs, EP. Hardy, Jr. and

J. Warley in carrying out radiochemical analyses.
Inthe Deparment of the Interior, Messrs. S.S.
Carpenter, J. DeYoung, and FEU. Brown have
been mast cooperative. In the Trust Territory
many individuais have becu of tremendous assist-

folluwing pathologists who have contributed: Des.

L.V. Ackerman, B. Castleman, EL Gottier, HL.

Vickery. T. Winship (deceased ), and LB. Woolner.
We appreciate very much the assistance of Gol,

Center in caring for Marshallese paticnts brought
to Honebalu.

At the Cniversity of Washington Drs. AJL Sev.

mour, B. Held. and Vo Nelson fave advised and
cooperated in studies of mutual ipterest.

We are most grateful to the charitable organiza:

tion New Eyes for the Needy, Ine. (Shart Efills,

S.J.) for donating hundreds of pairs of eveylisses

for the Marshallese, They were fated and distrib-

uted at the time of the surveys and probably no
ather gift has been mare gratefully received by the

Select target paragraph3