heed for continucd examinations when ne signif
cant findings were reported. En spite of such prablems, the peaple have always been dendly, and,
except on one occasion Gt case of politic al interference, described below), lave gencrally Couper:

ated inthe examinations. Psychological rea ten
to the Lallaut has been reflected at varius Cine, an

fears regarding ferulity. a beliet that fish potsening
was due to radiosetivity rather that to the porscte
ous ature of the fish, feelings of weakiess alias

uted to tadiation, aad feared thyroid cancer wand
feukeraie lallowiny die death of che Ronyelap bos),

Atnajor concern for the pastveaes bas been
lore ask political Intedterenee acl CPSU beads COU CEE

ing the medicalesmaaatins bbe Trust Perr
tors tow dias at Clanuress of Nii renessa (thot Gutee

nected with the CLS. adicisteation), which has
appointed a Special Conumittee to mivestivale the
health status of the Romgchip and Cuok people.

Cnfounded ac cuscians were made by certain bocal
politicians thatthe United Scares deliberately exposed the people ta fatloat se that thes could be
used ais “ruines pis tostudh che etlecis. and chat
the taecesl teas was concealing cheaths dress
radian and was net reporting all ofits hndinngs

Ta Mach f972 the surves was taterrupted by the

ther compensation for injuries rece.ved, although,

on the basis of the effects of their previous compen:
swoon in 1965, the ultimate benefits are doubtful,
and another payment might push them further toward the state of welfare and perpetual dole. Dr.
Wailhain Peck, the former Director of Health Servacexana the Trust Territory, has put this situation
tuccly Ube withheld further funds and thus
deepen the grievance, or increase the compensaton and therchy the dolor of dependence - either
course of action seems only to compound their
orhanal injury, and eur dilemma
Further problems in the Marshall Dlands are
assented with the returns of the former cesidents
te dive on Bukint and Eniwetok, which were conlaminated during the tesung program. Numerous

rachological survevs have indicated that with cerLan restrchons these atalls can be habitable
again. Since a number of concrete homes have
been completed on Bikini, about 40 peaple have
returned. but thes must be subsidized because it
will be several vears before the coconut and other
trees hear fraat. \ number of people are expected
to return to Eaiwetok to live in the near future.
The medical team as wellas other radiologic

safety personnel at PNY. have been assigned the

Afterwards the Congress ob Micronesia appomted
ined observers taaccampany the teaupen ja suee
ves ain September 1 2. Pec prominent phi saciars

tespousbility of personnel and environmental
Inonitori. to assure the radiological safety of the
tcturnin people, Personae! moniteung and enStrommental survexs at Bikini were instituted a

from JapaweDas TL Evaka and Po Ruaisteriy. one

few seats age. and ouly very law Jevels of inter-

frome Faaghend (On 2) Bochino, and one from the

nally obsarbed radionuchdes have been noted.

polltichins and had te be aborted at Rongelap.

US. Public Health Sermuce (Dt W> Coley accor
Pamed the tear and participated in the examina.

ERD. is sponsoring continuing surveys of these
atolls, Laing done by several institutions,

servers. and this also has helped beng bout amere
favorable atitade te the medic ale xaaiatians,
“Pe onajer bills have been mitted by the Can.

The medical surveys have been a cewarding ex.
perience for all the personnel who have partcipated. We hase been fortunate ia obtaining the
services of talented specialists and technicians and
In having the continued scauneh support and asstance of many people at Brookhaven National
Liaborstan, ERDAL and the Trust Verrntors. and
the suthouties at Keajalein. without which the

gress ob Micronesia. Que concerns pasincnt at

success of the surveys would not have been Possi-

tiers. Their report to the Congress af Mic tonesia

Wis maast havarable and tos dane much teqaier the
political accusations. The Specudl Comumiltee on
Rongelapand Chrtk published a tenuis reports!
Of tts investigations, da dadig rhe report al the abe

travel jand: living expenses tor au patent from
Rongelip and Chik on our osaainaiion list who
heeds hospi ization. Vis bull has bora approved
hy US. authorities and is bea unplemented

ble. The medical team has developed a deep
tnendship tor the Marshallese over the vears. ba
spite of the aijuries and lhurdships resulting from
the P54 vecdent. they have cooperated with us

The other concerns compensation tar the Range:

even through the period of political disturbances.

lap people for il etleets of Lallouces posure aad
provides also fora payment tothe Cit peaple
and for special compensation to the parents af the
bow whe died afleakemia CSce \ppeadia ba We
beheve thatthe Ronyelap peaple ace catiled to hur

With the Gniproved politcal climate and atutude
towed the eQuainndions we look forsard to conta
ding these important and ¢hallenging missions and
tooffering specialized health care to these Manhall
Ihanders in future sears
R.A. Conard. MOD.





Select target paragraph3