
Some findings in the Japanese tend to support
radiation etiologyinthis Marshallese boy. Ia his

case the latent period was quite lung, but the in-

cidence of leukemia in Japan is sull (after > 25
years) higher amony the exposed group than

among the general population. iso, the iculence

has been higher among those exposed in chiide
hood, particularly males, in whom the granulocyte

fort of leukemia bas been pres alent: and the supe

forihas been more presalout in cases with banger
latent periods and lower exposures!?2 On the
basis of 2 cases per year per million people per
rad among the exposed Japanese, the expectancy
among the exposed Manrhailese would be a total
of about 0.33 cases. However, the normal incidence
of leukemia in the Marshallese, from the sketchy
statistics available, appears to be low, about 20
Cases per vear per tuillion compared with 60 to 7U
in the U.S.. thus the nuriber of spontaneous cases
expected alnong the expuscd Afarshallese would

be a total of 0.02 to 04007, Whe ratio of radiation.
induced to spontaneous expectancy (0.35:0.02 of
0.33:0.067) indicates that chances are about 3 to
13 tines as vreat that this Marshallese case was
radianion-induced as that i was spontancous,

Review of the hematological data on subject
No. 34 over the 18-year period before the develop.

nent of deukeiuia is of interest. The greater degree

of hematologic depression in hin thaw inthe other
exposed bova indicates cither a greater radiation
dose to the hematapaictic tissues or greater scusie
Livity oF proclivily to marrow depression. (None
of the peripheral granulocyte levels in the other

boys, exposed or unes posed, ploticd individually,

were as low as his.) Perhaps his radiation dose was
actually greater, since he was the vounuest Ron

clomonacytic leukemias.” Vhe syndrose ts characterized by various findings, not all necesily
precnt such asaaiuiia with erychrocyle aboard

ies, Thrombocytopenia, atypical platelets in the petipheral blood, and neutropenia. + Chrome.
solne abnormalities are reported in about half the
cases. 195 fsolated neutropenia is an occasional pre-

kukemic finding; in the case reported here, the
relative neutropenia is the only finding that might

be considered as preleukemic. I the preleukemic
phase is considered to date back te near the tine
of radiation exposure in this case, then it had a
longer course thats is usually nated. 4
The possibility thatthe granulocytic reserve was
reduced io subject No. 3d asa resale of radiation
exposure was indicated by his granulocyte respute
being lower than that af his peers ia response to
challenge by childhood infections. One might spec.
Ulite that the frequent infections to which the
Macsbatles: are exposcd may have played a role

in accelerating the deselupaient of a radiation.
induced mutant lewkemic clone, Vhis would be

similar in some wave to the role thought to be

played by the thyroidestuuulating barmone in en:

hancing the development of tumors in rachationinjuced thyroid: glands, as has been seen in the
Marshallese vears afier exposure of their thyroid
thank to radioiadine from the fallout. The above

in closer contact with the Cillout source on the

findings do net rule out the possibility of a viral
cliologyfor this leukemia.


kemia, complete hematological examinations on

gelap child exposed and may therefore have been

ground. Being younger might alsa imply greater

Ta view of the later development of the granulucytic formof leukemia, it is of interest that the
carly bone marrow injury was characterized by
having the greatest effect on the granulocytes, with
the thrambocytic and lymphocytic cells less af
fected and the erythrocytic cells least. "The erythrocytic system did not show evidence of failure until

Because of the development of this case of leu.

the exposed Marshatiose population are now belig
carcied out sciniannually tastead of annually,

Malignancies ather than thyroid cancer and
leukemia (see ‘Table 35) appeared to have a higher


near death. In spite of the long-teran findings,
worbid evidence of the disease: was not apparent
until the last few sont, One year before tbe dig.
mais Of leukemia the peripheral blood cells appeared normal except for a possible increase in
atypical monocytes,
A preleukemic syndrome has been described for
acing cascs of panlyinphoacytic leukemias. (4154
Linnan and Saarni!?* state that the frequency of
the syndrome may be as high as two cases in five
and that prelcukemie findings “reflect the carly
sage of tayeloprolilerative disorders which will
eventually fulfill the eriteria to be cliwsiticd as my.


Gents after radiation treatment for ankylosing
spondy titis,?#* etc.), and its etiological role was
established without question by the high incidence
of leukemia ia the Japanese exposed to the atom

Select target paragraph3