net very reliable. Fram our surveys of the anes:

posed people af Rongelap and Likiep (a nearby

atoll not exposed to fifloud, the tacidence appears
w be about S°einosthy present in alder are groupes
gee Figure 29 and Table 25). We lave seen alew

cases of hvperthyvroidisin and ar sedeniaa at dhe
Majure Plospital. but no starsties ave avatlable.

Teo qises of thyroid Cancer are reported trans

hospital adiniasions for a TO- ear period (iol.

12) for the Marshall [Mands. the populatios
watson between 19.000 aad 20000 darting that
period. Vhis has beeu esdanated be Prast Perritery maedical personne) to be about boll che aetiaad
number af cases: (therefore 8 Gases por JOH

people per 20 years wars used lor statisiiih eon
pPAIrisanis }.
Data on iodine intake and exeretion ins the
Marshallese (tabulated below and presented in

detail ing Appendix 9) indicate that todine-deti-

cieney goiter would aot be expected ta this


U6 Urine
TW Uranes
7 ets

char gat

toate,awrae day ciatige)
Wi Pe S704
27 (l5- 2h

The urinary iodine excretion is somewhat lower

than the US. mean of 190 we day C1H-485) in

PH! Ono the basis of the fewdiets analwacd, the
daily ioding intake seems to be within the recana-

mended range of 50 to 73 we.Vhese iodine levels

are somewhat lower than would be expected nan
oceanic population but are auch higher than seen
in areas of endemic gaiter#® Vhe NGushaltese dict
contains ho know gotrogens, and diffuse gouters

(typical af endemig goiter) awe not been observed.
Vhe high incidence of both benign and malig.
nant thyroid nodules an the exposed Rongelap
people appears to be clearly related to radiation
exposure with a large compenent due ta racdio-

lodine an the fallaui, Numerous squdies aa aniinads

have shown dhat theroid neoolasia follows expo.

sure both to w-ipradiadion and to radiotodiaes
Suc htumars may be benivn or madignant and ap-

pear to be dose-dependent to some degree. The
incidence of thyroid funors is increased in fap-

anese atom bomb survivers!' 2! (Figure 44).

‘Vhere ts. a considerable amount of data showing
that children who were given radiation to the head

and neck region for teeatiment of ghveate livper“Thr


Dati ai NT,









CD Uitewtatiae
CT Naaewaht


Nook ub cubs




Pigure B38. Pros adence of disies et the tha res fifth es.
aligticationss © vad, Lex rucbiotsed: chose snare cata fot fetaeles
age (te P94 at time ot banda. (Prone Belskes et ab is,

trophy, sone, and fungus of the scalp have an ba.
creasce anecidence of bath benign and amaligiaue
thyroid lesions in biter years Report of
hamorivenie effec of radioiodine ta aaa are more
Hiited. Sheline et alt in their follow-up study

of 250) patients treated for hyperthyroidism, re-

ported & having nodular goiter, of whom 6 had
been irradiated atyve O20 and boat awe << 10,
More recently a nuiiber of caneers of die thyroid
have been reported in patients previously treated
with radioiodine for hyperthyroidism. bee Phe
nutuber olsuch cases reported is, however, lower
Than ight be expected an tle basis of the wide:

spread use ol FUT, pechaps because rhe cells aire
mare likely to anderwo tocbal damage, 14-22

Tn the nore heavily exposed Rongelap ureup

the adit thvrotds received a dose (40 racks) attenat
twice that te the whole body and those of small
children (700 co TEGO rads) about & ues chat bo
the whole body. Qui the basis af the aieidence af
benign nediiles in the unexposed Marshall than

populations examined. about J tod cases would be
expceted during the 20 vears in die Rengelip ex:
posed vroup, whereas 2 baccurtred. Gnthe Cririk
group about Ga would be expected. and b occarred,
Rewarding cancer of the therord, on the basis of

Miaarsthall Islands statistics. abennt G05 cases would
be expected in the Ronaehap group aver the 20year period, whereas S$ occurred. En othe Cririk
population about 0.06 cases wauld be expected,
cd Peccucred: bao viewat the baw dose ef radia
don itis untkely that this case is radiauan iduaced.
Tables 34 aod i} show the incidence and the
risk per rad ing tac Marshallese compared with
that ia ather populations for bath benigu ane oa.
iignant thyroid neoplasins. Data on benign tiv

rotd nodularity are scarce, but the incidenee in

Select target paragraph3