
thyroid sions ts tere recent. has not been on
treatment long enough for evaluation. The veatere
tineat until
cave was not placed on thyroxine a
atte: nodules had been detected The rord lesions
descloped di ses eral persons w hoe were presume

abl taking thea thyroul medication regular
and who appesred to be cuthycoid with nord
theroving fevels, on the oder Iban. Uy reid sod.
les disappeared in twa cases (Nas ab and 10h
dari thy rosine treatient Gan the Latter case, dhe.
recurced and were surgically remaved)

1. Follow-up
Caretal follow-ap studies on the subjects whe
had cancer. including whole-body scans
Army Medical Genter, have shawn no signs of te.
currence, No clear-cut evidence bas been seen al!
further development of nodulaicines inthe theroid
remnants in the benign cases. Because papillary
thvroid carcinoma progresses very slowly, Jong

continued follow-up obsery ation is accessary.
No deaths or acute ilnesses have been assact
ated with the thyroid abooraalities. Morbidity
has been related to the development af reduced
thyroid function resulting in varsing degrees of
by pothyroidisin and inane case of hy poparathyroidism: follow mig thyvraidectoms “The lack of stat
compliance with the thy rad treatment progrin

in the operated cases involves the potential danger
that seriaus hypothyroidism may develop, partic.
ularly in patients living oa the outer islands and
therefore lew trequently seen,

raid funetion has been greath ruproved by the

Gee ol achowmnrinaassay teehoiaes len nieisue
ine Vy. Py crriradoths ronnie. ad PSELSSStack

wot serunodoproterns, whieh had resulted re
artehectiial elesauons ai dhe serum PRE an the
Naesdiadlese. are dhiscussed) below. is abe mere eee
cent imeasurements of thvrasine- binding protects

wid scour Gav rontesbatin
Staches of disroid funetion have abso ane taded
testo nadhorodine apiike and exerction on sev:
craboccastons. bo dhe fieldl these were done wiete a
soumew hat peiniive apparatus (FPigare $81 ']
Awaused to miniimiize the dase tothe thyroid. Mace
estensive and sophisticated: tests were done on par
Hents brought ta BND, tor evaliation priot testi

gery clewhere. “These inehided: testy af Uis rail
radiotoding uptake and scans (lechnetiam ey
before and after TSEPstinulstion: determination
of basal metibolisin rate, cholesterol, surihivie.
globulin antibody levels; and a variety of clinical
chemistry tests. Faanumber of cases ua small
amount of MU was administered prior to sargers
andthe finetion ofescised Uhvraid lesions aad sare
rounding tissies was studied by iite liouriepbas
One Herve; teald man (Na. 40) bredly developed
acute thyroiditis atter TSUP adaninistriation
2. Studies of Exposed Rongelap People
With Thyroid Abnormalities
Evidence of thyroid: by pofunction and reduced
reserve was scen in adew of the children prior to
surgery (Nos. 2.20, 34. aad 657 aod tea greater
degree in che two boss whe deselaped ins sedema

1. Procedures
Measurement of circulating thyroid hormone
has been an important part of the evaluation of
thyroid function in these surveys. During thefirst
10 vears it was done by PRE analysis and subsequently by jou-exchange chromatography(thy.
roxine by coluniny. Since 1972 evaluation of thy° Thyroid uptake studies were done at Rongelap an [90ane
Wits Dr J.B Ralbandin band 7 tbv De J Robbins se

BND. thycond function stuiies were done ts Dr EEL. Sudan PE
determinations were nade by the Clinical Chemastry Sectioty at
BNE. and by Kio Science Laboratories, Nan Nuss, Calif. who
also did other secum sanding analyses band baby KEAN, and dia.

Iwrable Ty. TSH. and PBC by revere- tow clectrophoress were

analy eed by Oe. PUR. Lassen atthe Causvcruty of Prtsburgh and

taore recently at the Peter Bent Bigham Hospital, besten PGR

analves by REN was done be Dre ME Gershengorn and J. Rob:

fons, and TG analysis by Dee M Izume and Jt. Bauheu.

Figure 38. Plvroid function testing
under Geld conditions, [Hib

Select target paragraph3