Figure 31. ‘Two proliferative papillacy adenomata that

were Comaidered benign on the basa of hisidlogical exainination (40, sulaject Na, 63, 196t), Ocber ninute ade.
nurmata fram the saaie subject are shown in Figure 33.0.


sisting of a solid cellular pattern. Both lesions were
accompanied by metastases in the cervical region,

In one (Figure $5.4) the cervical metastases were
extensive aldhough the primary lesign was ccla-

dvely sanall, A total Uivroidcctoimy and uititateral

radical cervical lanph-node and upper anterior

and posterior meciastios! dissection were pore
forined it this case, and there has been uo evi-

deace of recurrence ind vears, Vhe second case
(HB) was alse treated by total thyroidectomy and
regionul Wonpheaale discction, Only a single
Iinpl ade adjueent tothe tbvreid coutained
IneLastabie tumor although bavasion ty contiguous

hla vessels was noted, Vhis subject has remained

free of recurrent disease for 10 years.
Vhe third madignant lesion (OC) was a follicular

adenovarcinama which showed considerable infil-

tration af adjacent wormal discoid tissue but was
contined to the region of one superior pole and was

net accompanied by positive lvinph nodes. A total
thyroidectomy with regional lyinph-sode disscetion was done. The regional boinph nodes did not
contain metastases, Phere has been no evidence of

recurrenve ind vears. The above $ patients with
carcinoma were from Rongelap, where the exposure te Gallawat was vretend,
The fourth carcinoma (22) was a relatively ues
diflercntiated adenocarcinoma — 2.9 coin dian.
eter. Jaimany arcas a was solid cellular in charac:
tee. Phe pleamarphie cells had breeched the cap.

sule iamany phices. The quiaor was observed in
vascular spaces but notin lymph nodes, and no

distant metastases could be identified. Phe patient

had presumably received tininial radiation expo-

sure an Uiiik, an outlving ishind quite remote

eye Hedin nt

Fea A noe

Figure Jl. A: A histologic preparations of at lesiana thiot
developed in an irradiated Miacslallese thyroiuk (9 14).
#: Autoradioyraph, show rag area of sagnilicagt © ap.
toke tebe anthe “normal” eatranedulac tieue, ii bord
upper corners of the section, and ne uptake in the reo.
plasin (dilluse stippling i background). This teion was
hot cosmidered malignant. (Same subject an Figure 41.)

Select target paragraph3