the non-nodular thyroid tissue and in many cases
took up none at all (Figure 32). Gulyin one individual a single lesion, which was papillaryin char.
acter, took up more radioiodine than the surround.
ing normal Unyroid tissuc. Although reduced radio-

were very firm, pale brown or whitish, In some
there were hemorrhagic or degenerative cysts. The
inargins of some other nodules were indistinct,

producing a lobular character which comprised
niost of the thyroid in such a manner that the entire gland appeared to be responding to a disuse
pathologic process, not untike the type of gland
observed in chronic iodine deficiency but ia miniature proortions,
ah raat

(Figure 31), but all except two of thase that were

papillary were considered benign, Most of the it
dividuals operated on later in che scrwere given
asmalb tracer dose of" Pso that the fianectieanal
natuer of Che adenomatous arcu could be studied
for radiviudine uptake.*'"" Multiple autaradiographs prepared from tissues from the bast 13 pa-

icnts have shown that esseatially all the discrete
lesions took up signilicantly Jess radioiodine than

jadine uptake does nut necessarily badicute a ma
Rynant lesion, itis commonly observed tht lesions

having a capacity to metastasize take up Car less
radioiodine than the exuanodular tissue (usually
the ratio is < Yee),

Most of the thyroids have been found te cantain

an unusual number of minute encapsulatedlesions,

some of them: consposed ofsolid cellular mnasees of

cells (Figure 33.1, 4, and 2), in contrast to lesions

fund in must adcnomatous goiters, which are
compused of follicular structures similar to but not
Klentical to normal of hyperplasiic glands, On
carcful gross examination of the glands, these ai.
nute lesions appeared as tiny whitish dow ~ bmi

in diameter (pinhead size). The atypicality of these
lesions and the presence of mitoses in the ecls of
some of them give rise tu speculation regarding
their uluimate malignant petential (Figure 344

and # and Figure $3/)). especially since several
obviously malignant lesions have been foundia
this exposed population, Phe lesions shown are
from thyroids not harboring frankly waligaant

lestons ebewhere, except the lesion in Figure $34,
which was fuund in a thyroid that alsa had a
Figure 30. Gross serial sections of an irradiated Marshallwe thyroid, showing multiple dix rete adenomata devel-

oping throughout bath lobes ofthe thyreid, Scarriaag is
evident between these nodules,

highly malignant lesion ina distant part,

Of the four malignant losiens found (Figure 45),

two were papillary adenocarcinomas displaying

some arcus Chat were fess well dilfurentiated, com


ure 30). In some instances these discrete lesions

of adenomatous change. Many of the lesions were
completely surrounded by a distince capsule and,
unlike the remainder of the thyroid, had a distinet
histological pattern which ranged from microfallicular tofetal, solid, or embryonal types. Unexpectedly many of the adenomas were papillary


~ ieee Ase:
TRI: 1aterpabeeated ateaie me. ivy bye ie

peared to be discrete with distinct capsules (Figs

of the thyrvids revealed some nodules which ap-

On microscopic examination all the thyroids of

exposed Rongelap people showed varying degrees




2. Microscopic Appearance

Jeet we red Saha oieae ek


ae Ae,



when they were much smaller than nodules usually
encountered in general clinical practice. Few of
the lesions were visible fromthe exterior, and none
was accompanied by symptoms,
At the time of sargical exploration most of the
thyroids in the exposed Rongclap people were lobutated and contained small discrete masses which
were not of sullicicnt size to cause verysignificant
enlargement of to distort the symmetry of the
gland. Must of the glands in the exposed Rongelip peopie with anty one palpable nodule proved to
have multiple nodules, Often the palpated nodule
was not the lesion that uluimately prompted the
mast concern on histological exanainaton,
‘The gland in sume cases showed many tortuous
hair-like vessels on the surface, reminiscent of thyroids that had previously been treated with eadioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism. Vhe cut surface

Select target paragraph3