25).0) Notwo-hit aberrations were found ia the
unexposed group, but both groups had at unusual
number of accatric fragments, the cause of which

is not known, Paradoxically, Kangelap people
with the lower exposure had more aberrations
than hose with the higher expesure, These studies

indicate that a small but significant number of
chromosome aberrations persisted in bluod lymphocytes in sone Marshallese as late as 10 vears
afler exposure. The results are consistent with
these of sunilar studics on the exposed Japanese
fishermen’? on victins of other radiation acci-

dents.and on Japanese bomb survivors. 74
2, Somatic Mutations

bn F971, stadies® were made of the frequency of

amine acid substitution in the hemoglobin of the

Marshallese on bloodsatiples sent to Qak Ridge.?4

Since there is ne coded isoleucine’? in adult bu-

nan hemoglobin A, its presence must be due to
errors 12 transcription of translation or to somatic
mutauons arising during DNA replication. Errors
in Lranscription, which eccur infrequently, form
altered mRNA URNA, and FRNA; they change

the coding in the mRNA and may reduce the
fidelity of the RNA with regard to both the kind
of annine acid it accepts and the mRNA codons it

recognizes. Ercons iu translation’? arise through
the attachinent of wrong amino acids to tRNA
(auininaacy! synthetase errors) and the liuprecise

recognition of mRNA codons by RNA anticodons
(Iranslatonal variation), Somatic mutavous result

fron mistakes in replication of DNAS muiny single:

Figure 2h. Teo-hit chromescue aber aGoos in capiecd

Marshallese. Pop: arrow peanuts to chcestrie bore: bette:

irtase poats toe rans bore,

20) and Bo uneaposed Rougelap people.* ChiroInasome aberrauens were noted in 2b of the exposed and ino af the unexposed Marshallese, but

the exposed group had a number of two break abcrrativons (represented by dicentric cliramasomes,


Dase-substitution mutations change nanindeucine
inte ssicucine codans,* and the resuliing mutant
cells could have hemoglobin wR NA with isoleucine codons, For this reason, an inerease i the isoleucine content of hemoglobin A would be expected in hunins exposed te agents causing base-

substitution mutations, Possibly radiation may

cause base-subsiituiion autations in human somatic cells, but this has never been established.
Theisoleucine content of the hemoglobin A was
determined in bload frou Vb ex paused Marshallese

und 12 unexposed, The frequeney of isoleucine

substitution foradher amine acids in hemoglobin
was calculated by dividing the nanumoles of iso-

leucine by the total nanomoles of all other amino

transbocations, anda ring form) that are thoughe

to be awsaciated with radiation exposure (Figure

acids in cach sample. Vhe frequencies are listed in
Table 21,

The analees were dene by Des TE Cisco, New England
Deaconess Plaapital, and RON, Caaareh BNE.

*Therse studios were done by Ors RV. Popp. GOPLire hy and
FG Haat ok Kadye Notional | aboeatory,

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