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The medical examinations of the Marshall
Islanders accidentally exposed to radioactive fallout in 1954 have new covered a span of 20 years,
A Seyear period has clapsed since findings have
been presented in full, and this report includes de-

cerning authorities has changed their wayoflife.
The missionaries brought religion. clothing, and
changed customs. A dollar economy based on

than as prescuted fast.

shally had been primitive, with treatment of the
wick olten involving a large clement of supestivion
and magic, and apparesty did not unprove under
Japanese rule, During World War TP the Mare
stiatlese were lurged ta live on low calorie dicts

Lindwetok uit the aaoratoriuie was declaced aa
P58. Vliese islands were chosen because of their

bolatedd bacanion ba the vast neehy erapiy eciin
areal Aficronesia just north of the equator. east

of the CGayotine Islands, and northwest af the Gilbert [slanicls, alanat dialiwaw bers cen the bbawaian

Islands aad Auscialia, Phe Marshall istaads com.
prise U4 ishands aclatolts spreadioser some THO 000

sjaare miles oPocean, Rach wtell consists ofa law.
Ivitwg chan of sanmedy. paalaa coxered islianels con

nected by areebsairrennding and preotes TAAL we cane

tral blue-green digeon, PLabitable hand area ts sarprsingly sama edly abet 7ibsquace nates in the
coure Marshall Phands. Phe clitiste is trapical, ane
the trade winds blow div hoatthe vear. Phe atolls
Involved inthe PQOd aecadent are located ia the
northern Marshalls:

Ronvelap and Ailingnae

sthaut TOO ngadical agiles cast of Bikini. Rangerik
ilarat V3 aiiles cast od Bikini and Uuaik 275
rhbtles ecast al” Bikini.
During the past century the Murshallese people
have been governed tn tour countries. Germany

purchased the Mfushall [stacks frou: Spain oa
HBO and governed ome and PZ hen Jape
look aver vider a detaof Nations mince:

Japan dechued ownership in dot when she broke





copra production and employment bylocal gavvironmental subsistence.

“Vhe Muashall Isuunds were chosen is aia atomic
bonita proving waaaiid ar the cane of Operation
Ctrossrentds at Wikia da P16 aad were stalaseqquenthy used far uterus tests at bath Bikint and




erninents has tended gradually to supplant the en-

tails af this period as well as a summary ofthe data

for the entire 20 sear. Same backycound informa.


Sanitary conditions and health care in the Mar-



wath inadequate medical care. When the U.S. was
taade trusice in LUT, the Navy. under the aus-

plees af as Burcau of Medicine and Surgery, undertook a comprehensive medical survew of island
populations in the Trust Territory including the
Marshall Isands, using ane ofits vessels, the USS
Whidbey) Vhe survey showed that unsanitary con:
ditions with tegard to flies, garbage disposal. and

excretory habits made for multiple intestinal paraSiic inestationts and disvases. \ high percentage of
the pr ope hiacl positive Rahn tests. associated with
saws. and widespread treatient with penicillin
proved extremely elfvetive. Diseases of the eves
and skin. acute aad chromic respiratory discases,

and vitamin deticiencies were especially cammon.

Noomalarta hiriasis, vellaw fever. or cholera
wasscen. Subsequent health care in the Trast Ter-

riiery was hampered by lack of trained medical

personnel and poor ininspartation to the outer
lands. Vhas was the status when aur speckil medical esaminavens began.
Soe ofthe events over the wears in the Miarstall Islands that are relevant te the medical sursevere listed in Appendix 1.
Vhe first examinations in EQ34 after the lallovaa
were conducted by an emergency dicdical tea,





trou the League of Nuarious, Phe Caited States

requested: by the Aronue Energy Contntission,

liboeeatedd the Afiirsdialls in ThE. during Worle

directed by Deo EP. Cronkite and) composed


Wau Th. aired wars wiveg: auithord under a Caitted

heegels of Navy anedical persengel whose service
eaprticnce proved extrenely belptul fae this field.
WW pe operation, Resurvess were conducted att
Wenths under Dr VIP. Road and web? months
under Dr Cronkite. Tn 195i Che surveys were
phiced under the direvtion af the author at Brook-


Nbons Onda be Gone Histon Che seadiercd islands

of Micronestaas the Prast Pereitocy of the Pactic

Islands: thin woas clone tiist bv the LoS. Navy and

later by the Departaented the Laverior.
The carly explorers aud tracers found the islands tohobited by friendly. gentle. primitive
people. liviag in thatched lauts, tishing fram out
Newer Ganoes. and subsea caticely from che
Jacal cmv ironed. Phe increasing encroachment
ofcivilization Via traders. wisstomaties, aie wow.

haven Nwonal Labaratars, Since chen the surveys
lave bees conducted in conjunction with the De-

peirtmentof Health Services of the Urust Perritary

and with the participation of medical specialists
tram the Awmied Forces aad fram medical centers



Select target paragraph3