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licf of itching and pain. Antibiotics were used in
a few cases of secondary infections, The lesions
healed within a few weeks with only minimal

sequelae (described below),

These observations make it apparent that beta
burns.of the skin having acute symptoms asociated with the lesions may be a serious consequence
offallout exposure. The Marshallese could have
avoided manyof the lesions ifthey had known to
tike the proper precautions such as protecting the
skin fro fallout and early cleansing. Pad the
whole-body radiation dose been greater, the res

ductor ii mauno-bematological deftases might
have cesulted Gi more serious shin iifee ans can
siderably conplicating the skin svanptons,
3. Effects of Internally Absorbed Radionuclides

As pointed out ia Section IL A. radiochemical

urine analyses beginning 15 dave after the accident
indicated that the Rongelap people and to a lesser
extent the other exposed groups had absorbed
considerable anounts of radionuclides by inhala-

Dell th ag Rea al st Soe, “hh 34 Ft

ity, talignaney).
Durnag the second decade following exposure,

elec developed in the Rongelap people which
had net becu heralded durtag the first decade,
The mest diportant were the widespread development ot Uivroidd abnormalities. associated: with
growth retardation ai seme children. A fatal ease
olleukcaia and a posable increased incidence of

Malignancies Way OF tay not have been radiation

related: the nutibers are too smaall te periat ay
definite conclusions.
Vhese fludings are reviewed below,

In thay respects Wapros ing. Mast vectorborne

acute syinptoms associicd with absorbed isotopes
appeared, the only caception being a possible rule
of the estimated 3 imnCi of radioisotopes in the GL.

tract during the first two clave in causing the carly

GUL syriptans,

These observations indicate that lack of carly
Splonassociated with ingestion of radiouctive
materialin an acute fallout siqaation docs sot pre
clude development of late effects from such ingestion.

Ill. Findings on Follow-Up

Examinations (Late Effects)
During the firse 10 scars. after the carly etlects

and before the development of Uayroid abnorssialtlic, lew medical findings could be definitely as

* re

studies on possable lite elfeets during this period
were nCgAlive (cataracts, aging. mortality, fonges-

have des cloped due to racoiodine exposure to the
thyroid, and near naaimuinpermissible doses of

several other radiobotopes were absorbed, no


gree of growth retardation in a few children. Other


water? (see “Fable 3). Although serious late effects


connected with radiation expasure, such as resid.
ual skin effects; an ticrease in miscarriages anil
sullbirths during the fiest 3 vears; suguestive evidence ofa lag in complete recovery ofperipheral
blood elements; evidence of slight chromusoime
aberrations of the peripheral blood. and some de-

tion and by ingestion of contaminated food and

wcated with radiation exposure, The general
hivalth of the exposed Marshallese appeared to be
about the sune as that of the unexposed Marshall
ose Comparison population, with the same types
and incidence of discases. The deaths that occurred
were not related to radiation exposure. In the

Rongclapese a fewfindings were considered to be


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eee ee

The healdh situation inthe Marshall [stands is

diseases of the tropics do not occur, loppranyis rare,
and tuberculosis is Dot je MC Tdaais probe, Clardic-

Vascular diseases are rare (except tar diabetic gain
grene of the feet),
The public and personal hygiene leave much to

be desired. Skin ivfections Gampetige and fungus)

and intestinal infestations (aanoebac and warts)
are endeaic. Tn W050 lane year after their reset

Vement on Koogelip Atoll. steals were exsimined
from OY exposed and PED unexposed peaple.?°

Tilestation was widespread with aiany bodividuals

showing multiple types os parasites, dhe main
pathoyens bein Katamorha Atstedstica (louined in
L854), hookwonn (5.5%), Trdariy tichnea CUED),
and Giardia lamblia (7.7%). lauctlates alse ine
cluded Trichunnes hooey, No significant dillerenees were noted between the incidences in thie ex:
posed and unexposed populations, Recentiy pbsearras
has been introduced tnt the Macshalls fiom other
districts and talestation with it bas became prev.
alent. Education wand cotetaat sorvedllance will
be needed te overcome the pirasite problem,
Eosinophilia is comunon but is tat alwarvs associ

ated with helomnchic iafestations,
“Diese atidies were dome be bir, Mo Cashman and Mie. KOK.
Carver, Gosniina able DecaCanter, ¢ Thaatsbew, (aa.

Select target paragraph3