eA ash sae ahh Sa Rebate,

rads. Calculation of the dusige from racioiodines
unfortunately had to be based on a single, poutod
uring sample frotn Rongelap people collected 13

days post exposure. Llacris?? at fos Alamos had
reported a tow evel of 170 inthis sasnple and: hsl

calculated: a one-day thyroid content of L122 Ga

hascebon the assumption of 0.0 urinary exeretion

of the tasximuin thyroid burden on the Look day.

Jarnes calculated doses for absorption feo bath
‘habation and digestion. ble noted that the shavterlived bosopes of iodioe delivered 2 lo 3 tines the
estimated dose delivered by tb aloue. ‘The ine
portance of these shorter-lived isatopes in producing thyroid ctfects ia dhe Misestialtese will he
referred to in Section INV, Phe dose toe the thyreid
a Rongelap acale (tnehuding goat) was cal:
culated ae about S65 rads (200 to 10 rads) and te

TM Tae me A oe A

thatatad-veareald Rongelip child as 700 te 1D 1b0
rads. (Vhe spread is dice to uneertaintios i este
Hnating dose tra absorption of radioiodines by
telaleticns versus dowestion.) WWith the UNNAULLE pL iat
Chace thier rseeier aol ve hrerlee- Landy ALM UDEEN ID thiees to thy.

Ves tered wt tgp

roid dses wor the swine as for the Roagelap
people, James” calculations were wscd to estimate
thyroid doses in the Silingnae and Utirik groups:
the results were 845 rads for the Ailingeac adultes
and 27 rads forthe Urrcik adults. Vhe children's
thyroid doses were bascdl on the weight af the
gland ac various ages (Figure $).2" By using ss

linear relationship beascen ihe thvrcid size aad
the dine calculated by Jaanes, die doses te indie.
vidual children were taken frou regression Hines

(dlrawa for dhe Uheee oxpescd populations (Figure '):

these are given ih Section PV. Li retrospect. tbe

estimated average dose af LOS tads ta the thyroids

a voung children appears to be low, at leuast for
Two bows who developed wirephy and myvsedenu.

Vhe calculated doses are obviously cough esti-








ooer a ed


Figure 4. Weights of human thyroids in New York City,
(Frou Minas aa ae FS)


mates, Vhe incom patabiliiy of the observed etfeets
with the calculated doses basedbon EL aust be

related pardy tothe greater dase ctloet af short

lived jodine betopes (see Appendix Cl),


PYavteaed sh mar (ted)


1, Effects of Whole-Body Exposure
a. Early Symptoms. Purity the first two chavs,
before evacuation, syinptoms related to the skin
and the wastrainiestinal tract were nated ina
large dimber of Rongelap people, ina besser mui
ber auony dhe wraups taposcad on Atkin and


Ce Be ee ne ee


Renuerik, and in mone of the Uuiik group. “Phe
severity of the svinploims wars correlated with the
anouat of faliout and the adieu dose, Skin
saptons Giching aod burning of areas mat cov

ered by clothing) were noted in abeut aacfourth
Figure 4. “Thyroid dose versus age for children
in capamed Mirshiallese gross,

ofthe Rongelap people, and a few complained of
irritation of the eves and lichryimation, These
svipplows were thowebt ww be related to beta irra-

Select target paragraph3