Table 2
Pstinwation of Gans eee?


abesig recat aa


Cunne RCC mC


Vd +4 006 he


I. Kangelap

Appros, Gane of


aod Cableoat

Instrument readings

Tie of

UD Wd die (16 pacagiicy

Best estianate

used in duse

of total goinma

373 ak;he, M4 7 days



dose in air (RK)

The 55 ber (bu people)

PE. Nils anagsnceer


fla duet her

Ube ‘Kir

100 mR he, 1049 dave


EEL. Rosipenik


}h4 ede

11+ Jo he CH ress)

Jbink be, bad chavs


Whe 2s dor

Siarted at db 55 fie

Wak he, 4h dave


IN). Utisik


Ibe bb ber (2thaneny

Gonpietod at bbe 7s bie

sud the fillowt duration as ~ D2 bie, wath mast off

the dase delivered carly in that period, Vhe tines
when people were evacuated from tie islands ace

shownin Fable 2.
2. Gamme (Whole-Body} Dos
The fallout (where seen) resembled snow of mist

and was deposited relatively homogencously so
that the individuals on cach islind were con-

sidered to have received about the same estinuuted
dose of gamma radiation. The children may have
hala squnewliat higher dose than that calculated
for the adults because, being sinatler, they were

chaser te the ground and received Larger midline
dases, This possibility is supported by the higher

incidence of carly nausea aad voaiting and the
ureatcr depression of blood clement, in the voung
children. Vhe tlimsy houses atlorded lithe attenu:
anon of the raciagion. Vhe whole-body doses were
calcubuted from iwasurements with radiation field

survey tastrugents held8 above the grounel,

tnade within a week after the detonation, dw ex-

Intpolanon tothe tine of exposure with the energy
spectrum and decay taken tote consideration,

Vable 2 shows the calculated gamma doses far the
ditfcrent populations exposed, The degree of hema:
tological depression that developed later is cou-

stent with the doses calculated. Lo view of the i
geometryof espasure, the middioe doses to indie
viduals were higher than those obtained with the
sual bikweral exposure of s-radiation.*
3. Skin Dose

‘The dose to the shin surface was much greater
thin the whole-body wacnmia douse because of the

large amount of beta radiation absaibed by the
skin. The actual skin doses, although impossible to
clleulate, probably amounted to thouxinads of rads,

and cheir range of values, duc tu ditferent amount
of fallout sticking to different arcas, accounted for

the spotty nature and varying intensityof lesions,
The extensiveness of the beta burns in eachisland
group correlated roughly with the amount of fall-

oul visible on their island (see Table 6}. Most of

the skin dose was due to fallout deposited directly
on the skin, but sume was due tu beta radiation
from fallout on the ground (estimated at Rongelap
to be 2000 rads at the level of the dorsum of the
feet, GOO rads at hip level, and 300 rads at the
head, on the basis of continuous exposure and no
shielding).? lt was fortunate that the beta radiation had an average energy insuflicient to penetrate deeply date the skin and therefore resubled
for the most part in superticial ber burns. The

average bers pardecle probably did not penctrate

much bevond the basil Laver of the skin (= 100 y).

However, since epilation occurred ia inany people,

the region of the hair (olhcles must have received

a dase equivalent atleast to the minimal epilating
dase of 400 rads of ZOO-KN ps rays.
4, Internal Dose Calculations

Internal absorption of radioisotopes was due te
inhalation as the radivactive cloud passed over

and tojngestion of food and water contaminated
with fallout, water probably being a niajor source.
Drinking water is obtained by collecting rainfall
from the rools into catchments, and a slight cain

was reported on Roagelap the might of the Gillout

Since the cisterns were nearly empty, the dilution

cHeet was iinmimal Water was being rationed at

that time, and at ewas drunk in spite of warnings
fran the health aide, Ou Ronverik food and water

were bever protected fromfallout depositiaa.

latcrnal levels of radioisotopes absarbed (rom

the fallout were assessed by ousmnerous radiochenu-



Select target paragraph3