LCU (landing craft utility) based and maintained

at Kwajalein (with AEC This vessel,

thowvh small and slow, has the distinct advantage
that it can be beached, so that ship-to-shore trans:

fer of equipment and personnel by sinall boat is
unnecessary. Pliree 30-f air-condivoned trailers
have been placed on the tank deck, one equipped
asa “slecper,” one cantaining a whole-body

counter (shadow-shield lead assembly aud elec.

tronic equipment), and one setup for clinical ex-

auinations with a doctor's office, a sail! liabora-

tory, and an x-ray Cachet. Phe LOU with these

trailers is nawia full use and affords treniendeus
TN provenscats ia Ube operations,
Bxainination facilities at Curik const of several
Butler-type buildings left bs a weather stagion
group. Ou Rongelap several examination travers
have been installed so that the schoolhouse need
bo longer be uscd. Examinations trailers have also
been installed on Ebeve and Majuro,

Major events inthe Marshall Islands related to
the surveys, including the political probleus of the
past few vears, are summarized in Appendix 1,
Before and after each survey, village meetings
have always been held on Ronuclap and Curik ta
intorin the peaple af the objectives of the examina-

Hons, the tindines, and recommended treatments,

Because of the language barrier, the peaple did

bot always understand the need for the exaninations, or their results, Every ctfort is now being
niide to correct this, Preparation of a question:
and-aaswer bogkleron the elects of the fallout
and treatment onthe Rongelap and Uurik people
was recommended by the Coauress of Micruaesias

such a bouklet has been printed at BNL for the

Viust Territory Health Services and is being cistributed: it should do much to correet many of the

lormer misconceptions (see Appendix 4),

During the 20 years covered by these reports
drastic chanuges have occucred in the Marshall
Isbatids District,

Vhe population mace than doubled fram 1948

te LOTS, the total gota from 10.000 tu ~ 25,000.

The increases were most dramatic on Majure (yoing from 1.2000 te $0400) and on Ebeve (going
frou 750 ta 5.000). On the ourer isaods dhe total
population changed less (Rongelip. 100 10 167;
Cuinik, batt lds), but the age distribution becane abnormal Young adults hove gravitated to-


ward the district centers, and the “homme islands”

are Ieft with children and old people. A recent survey on Rongelap showed that of its 167 people,
1t5 were 15 years oid and 30 were >50. The

flux is great: during anygiven field trip up to 30
people maybe arriving ur leaving.
The district has opened up to forcign travel.
Majuro has a jet airport, paved roads, electricity,
and telephones, Expectations are rising, and when
public services fail tu keep pace with increasing
demand, dissatisfaction is more vocal.


The atmospheric bomb tests ended in 1958.
Rwajalein was abanduned as a Navy Base in 1900
and was made part af the Ariny’s missile test



range. For the visiting medical teams, lass of Navy

Jesitance io toansportauion has increased the
lagistic problems, but the continuing support of
the Anavy Base has been invaluable.
The people of Rongelap and Ctirik have always
been most friendly and cordial to the medical
team. Except for political interference with the
1972 examinations, the people have always been

il. Initial Findings
1. Source

The radiation exposure of the Marshallese was
due entirely to fallout, since the detonationsite

wits loo far awayfor thertnal, blast, or direct irradiation cilects. (In constrast, direct efficts were re-

sponsiblefor all the injuries fromthe atomic bombs
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with lithe or no fall-

out.) The fireball from the 1954 Bravo device,

detonated from a tower, touched the surface of the
earth at Bikini, and Large amounts of material
were drawn up and mixed with fission products in
the bomb cloud. Because of an unpredicted shift
in the winds ia the upper atmusphere, fallout was
deposited in a cigarshaped area 20 10 40 miles
wide extending ~ 200 miles to the east of Bikini
(see Figure 1). Vhe radioactivity was due to fission

products and seme neutron-induced isotopes: the
fallout contained liulefissile material, The radiation was therefore almost entirely from gamma

and beta rays of varying energy from numerous
fission radioisotopes. Thetime after detonation
when fallout began was estimated as dso 6 hr at

Rongelap, ~ 7 he at Rongerik, and 22 hr at Utirik

- lane

meer ps We om pies
rreren ACe ee vn








being returned tu these islands, ft became apparent that a special vessel was needed, and in 1973
the ARC arranged for the Army to provide an

A anhtance tate dit



Select target paragraph3