



When the $16.00 per diem i: cliimed, it will be comp.ted on
a guarter day basis and vial coor r all expenses vor meals,
lodging, fees and tips, laundry a:
valet, and telegrams or
telephone calls requesting hotel or transportation acconmodations,
No receipts for the included charses are requlred.
(See Pararrapi B 3 (c) (%))


lf an employee is required to perforn travel for short periods
between various PPG duty stations, which requires a chanye in
his Subsistence reimbursement, and it is not practical to
terminate his "permanent" quarters, the per diem or reimbursement applicable at the location where the temporary duty is
performed will apply plus the actual lodying costs incurred

at the employee's "permanent" duty station,
for his permanent quarters are required.


Lodysins receipts

Lodiing, reservations in the State of Hawaii should be requested
through che J-Ll Office at Los Alamos, which will fomeard reguests to Honolulu.
Reservations rer lodwiny will be made by
the Honoludy LASL Office in accordance with the LASL travel

policy, which states that travelers are cxpected to stay in

standard accommodations in firsteclass (but non-Juxury) hotels.
J-l maintains a List of first-class hotels which tave arreed
to turnish LASL roow. at reasonable rates.
Tmployees may
selecl one or more choices of hotels from this list with the
understandins, that other hotels on the list will be used if

accormodations are not available at the hotels selected.
Should an employee select a hotel accommodation which results
in @ higher rate than those Listed and available through tne
J-1 Office, reimbursement on an actual expense basis is not

to exceed the cost that would have been incnired by accepting
the accommodations that were available through the J-1 Office.


/n an employee takes vacation or leave without pay,

the subsisténce

payments will be discontinued for such periods.

Henry RK. Hoyt


for Administration


Select target paragraph3