




Travel Requests
The Travel Request

departure date

should be prepared as soon as an employee's proposed

is ftnown.

dead and sent

the Travel O1fice,

It mist oe sizned by his Division Leader

to Group Jel fur recording and


forwardins te

Group J-L will arranye fer clearance and handle

other administrative matters.
The travel Request should show cach
destination at PPG with the dates expected to be in residence or the

approximate number of days at each location, the applicable workweek,
anticipated vacation or leave without pay, any Laboratory materials
or equipment which will accompany the employee, or other exceptions to


TT travel,

Authorized Trave]

Laboratory cinplovees assinned

PeG will normally use coumerciai air

travel between the Mainland and Hawaii.
Reimbursement w.il nermally
be Limited to touri:
or economy accommodations.
Jt is permissible

to use conumercial surilace transpertation between the Mainiand and the

State of Hawaii either or both en route to or return froa rPG.
lowever, reimbtirsemnt for such travel will be Limiced to the actual cest

but not to exceed Courist or economy class air fare. Travel time
aboard commercial surface transportation will be based on commercial

air time

(no subsistence en route).

to vacation.



in excess will be charged

(See also Parassraph A 3 (a)).



When commercial transportation is used, the actual expense travel
rules of the LAS}, will apply upon departure from Los Alamos and
continue until one of the subsistence plans outlined in 8 3 (b) or
Bo 3 (c) becomes applicable. On return travel from the PPG, the
actual expense travel rules will also apply until arrival at Los
See Paragraph B 2,


A per diem of $5.40, computed on a quarter day basis, will be

reimbursed to employees at locations (excluding State of Hawaii)
where eating and lodging facilities are furnished by a civilian
Support contractor.

No receipts required.

When other government

eating and lodging facilities are utilized, such as aboard
military ship, reimbursement will be $2.40 per day plus actual
cost of food, lodging, and laundry.
Receipts for actual expenses
are required.

When an employee's duty station is in the State of Hawaii, reimbursement will be based on actual expense or a $16.00 per diem,
If, upon arrival in llawaii, actual expense is selected, the

employee may convert to the $16.00 per diem, which will then

apply for the balance of his tour of duty in Hawaii. Actual
expense reimbursement will be made in accerdance with the

Laboratory's normal Travel Policy, which requires that receipts
accompany claims for certain subsistence expenses.

Select target paragraph3