




The differential allowance is computed on full days and

will be effective the day of depar. oe froma the State of
Nawaii for duty at the posts described above and will
remain in effect through the day of return to the State

af liuawail,

The differential allowance will be paid at the next
interim payroll (approximately the tenth day of each


On assisnments of partial months duration,

the differential

allowance will be prorated on a calendar day basis computed
on a 30 day month,


the employee will not be elisible for the differential
allowance for periods of vacation or



leave without


Emplovecs or consultants who are assigned in the capacity
or casual visitor or observer are not cligible fer the
diffcrential allowance,

Vacation or Leave Without Pay

Vacation or leave without pay anticipated in the course of an
4$S sj,0unent to PPG should be indicated on the TR.
leave will be reimbursed on the basis of the workweek currently
in effect at Los Alamos.


Vacation or leave without pay requested subseqrent to the approval
TR should be requested and approved by TWX or other correspondence.
Such approval must indicate the concurrence of the
Division Leader or Department Head.
Copies of this correspondence
must accompany the travel claim upon the completion of the



When vacation or circuitous routing as a personal choice

involves a greater absence from the normal working time of the
Laboratory, the difference between the most expeditious travel
time and the travel time actually taken may be charged to the
traveler as vacation. The decision of the Business Office will
be final regarding the amount of vacation time to be charged as
the difference.

Sick Leave
Sick leave will be allowed in accordance with the LASL official policies.


Job-Incurred Injury
Employees suffering job-ineurred injuries will be compensated in
accordance with LASL official policies.

Select target paragraph3