W. J. Bair
Octobe r 13, 1978
Page 2

as to how the potential ills so released can be controlled.

In this

particular case regarding subsurface contamination, I agree that the

OPLAN is not adequate to meet the situation and agree with the draft
recommendations regarding Boken and Enjebi.
Enjebi Experimental Farm
I believe we should delete any mention of the Enjebi farm in this

letter to Hal Hollister since no one familiar with the design and
operation of the farm was present at our Denver meeting to answer

OQur concerns with regard to numbers of samples, the feasi-

bility of adequate maintenance of the farm, and the overal] integration
of the farms operation into the radiological hazard assessment for the
Enewetak Atoll should be discussed with those familiar and/or responsible
for the farm's design and operation before we raise the issue with Hal

Once we know the facts then we could consider whether the

Situation warrants action by the Advisory Group.

It's clear that we

need a meeting in the near future with Bill Robison, Bob Watters, and
perhaps others who are familiar with the objectives and operation of

the farm.
Plowing Experiment

I suggest we include Pu and Am along with 90c), and 137¢¢ as
being possibly more available to roots as a result of plowing.


Since there appears to be no plans for Sr and Cs uptake studies
on plowed and unplowed areas, our 2nd sentence from the end

implies the Advisory Group will never address the issue of plowing
in the future.

Is this what we want to say?

I doubt it.


think we should recommend that such uptake studies be done on
the plowed-unplowed plots of Enjebi, preferably as part of an

expanded effort at the Enjebi experimental farm.

If logistics

prevent the successful supervision of this site in the future,

then other more accessible areas, perhaps on Eneu Island, should
be considered for plowing and uptake experiments.

Select target paragraph3