Radiological Analysis of Biological Samples Collected }

At Eniwetok May 16, 1948.”
Lauren R. Donaldson, Allyn [[. Seymour and John R. Donaldson
Applied Fisheries Laboratory

University of \Washineton, Seattle


On May 16, 1948, the day following the Runit Island test, a collection
of marine organisms was made from the reef area about one and one-fourth
miles north of the test site.

This collection was used as a point of

reference for the contamination studies planned for later in the season.
Arrangements for the expedition to make the collection were
handled by Captain James S, Russell, U.S.N., Test Director, and

Colonel James P. Cooney, M.C.
The collection was made by Dr. Lauren R. Donaldson assisted by
Dr. David B. Langmir, Dr. Paul Aebersold, Mr. James Pickard, Commander
Christian Engleman, U.S.N. with Captain Mallory as radiation monitor.
Collecting Area

The collecting area was chosen some distance (one and one-fourth
miles) from the target area so as to be outside of the area of greatest
fall-out but still within the general fall-out pattern.

Samples of

aquatic life were obtained from the waters on both sides of the exposed


At low tide the material collected was in water 2 to 4 feet deape

This report is based on work performed under Contract Nosil2&094-eng=33
with the Atomic Energy Commission.

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