General Manager's Monthly Report



With reference to a question raised by the McKinney Panel>,
M-r. Quackenboss presented an analysis of some of the effects of a

drastic reduction in the cost. of uranium ore, He observed that the |
cost of nuclear power is not greatly affected by the cost of uranium.
Assuming a requirement for enriched material, the diffusion plant
would strip uraniumto a tails concentration of .42% even if the ore

were free, and consequently, costs would still be appreciable.

International Affairs

Mr. Gardner reported that the Agreement for Cooperation
with Thailand would be ‘signed in Bangkok on March 13 by the Secretary
of State, who would also present an unclassified technical library.
Mir, Gardner then reported on other events of interest and
remarked that the Argonne Reactor Scheol expected a total of 67
applicants, After some discussion concerning the background of
the students, Mr. Libby requested a study of comparative class

compositions of “:e ANL Reactor School. (See AEC 267/27, cubsequently circulated.)

The Commissioners briefly discussed the forthcoming meeting

of the UN Scientific Committee on Radiation. Mr, Libby commented on

the lack of biological scientists, specifically a geneticist, on the UN
Secretary General's staff, Mr. Libby then referred to an announcement
on genetics by the \merican Federation of Scientists. In this connection
he observed that the FeJeration had indicated their agreement with
AEC that weapons tests were no more hazardous genetically than natural
background radiation. He suggested consideration of a resolution for
submission to the UN Scientific Committee on Radiation concerning
agreement among the members of such scientific facts regarding

W.r, Strauss said that the Brazilian Ambassador had indicated

that Brazil vould like to begin negotiation on a power reactor bilateral
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