
oceanogravhic observation in the Christmas and Johnston

Honolulu, and conducted radiological surveys of sea water,
plankton and fish caught by longline, together with routine

On the 13th of August, the R.V. Shoyo-Maru departed

ing the cruise, was received.

mercial Fisheries, and the Laboratory of Radiation Biology,
University of Washington to discuss the operational aspects
Also, information on radiation contaminaof the cruise.
tion 4n the Central Pacific waters for safety purposes dur-

the Division of Operation Safety, U.S. Atomic Energy Com
mission; the U.S. Public Health Service; the Bureau of Com-

the scientists aboard attended a meeting with the staffs of

During the period 10-12th of August, while at Honolulu,

The ship sailed eastward on a straight course collecting water and plankton samples until its arrival at Honolulu
on the 9th of August.

Shown in Fig. 2.

The ship track is

1962, the R.V. Shoyo-Maru depart~

ed from Tokyo for the Central Pacific.

On the 27th of July

Course and Itinerar

Spectrometer with a Scintillation Probe.
Other equipment and apparatuses were arranged as shown in
Fig. 1.

other apparatuses. The Counting Laboratory, located in the
stern, contained a Geiger-Muller counter fitted with an
automatic sample changer and a 128~Channel Scintillation

The Radiochemical Laboratory, located in the forcastle,
was equipped with a chemical hood, two muffle furnaces and

residential quarters to the upper deck.

sonnel was built in the area of the doorway leading from the

tilators were installed. Furthermore, a special compart~
ment for radiation detection and decontamination of per-

the air-conditioning system and asbestine filters for ven-

To keep the interior of the ship safe from radiation
contamination, absolute filters for the inherent openings in

Equipment for Operation Cruise


These values were

berGross f-radioactivity in the Gir] ranged from 0,1-5.9 UNO/gg?

‘andjthat in fPainyater) from 0.2-7.0 uwac/mg.




Tokai Regional Ficheries Research Laboratory,

National Institute of Radiological Sciences.

Japan Analytical Chemistry Research Institute.

Meteorological Research Institute.

Hydrographic Division, Maritime Safety Board

Meteorological Research Institute.


orth Equatorial Current and the Equatorial Countercurrent

Gross g-radioactivity in sea water from the South Equatorial

m Current was found to be less than 14*9y., while those from the


ecognized tobeofalowlevel. Gomposition of radio nuclides
Min rain, water are developing by Meterological Research Institute.



; ~” Plankton


__Sea water

Rain water


Samples collected by the 5.V. Shoyo-Maru were transfered

to following organizations for radiochemical analysis.

s\in' the air snd rainwater were made each day during the entire

_ Measurements of the radiation dose rate and radioactivity


\'Yéached ‘Tokyo on the 17th of September.

~ Island areas, then, returned to Honolulu on the 3lst of August.
On the 4th of September, after refucling in Honolulu, the ship
* departed taking a westward course to Tokyo. Radiological surveys
(of ‘surface water and plankton were conducted until the ship

Select target paragraph3