

1. In the fall of 1952 a number of "eye-witness accounts"
which appeared in the press throughout the country indicated
that an atomic weapon test of considerable magnitude had occurred.
Some of the letters purported to give a description of the

effects of the test.

In the wake of these “eye-witness accounts"

considerable criticism of the Atomic Energy Commission and of
Joint Task Force 132 appeared in the press,

There was specific

criticism of the fact that postal censorship of personal mail
had not been established for personnel assigned to the Task Force
at Eniwetok Atoll.
2, A digest of editorials appearing in the press following
the outbreak of the letter-writing, which was prepared by the

Director of Information Services and circulated as AEC 612/2, indicated that of twenty such editorials reviewed,

fourteen took

a position that was critical of the security maintained, assuming
the letters to be breaches of security, and implied that the
Atomic Energy Commission was responsible,

The Security plan for Operation IVY following a pattern

established at the preceding Pacific Proving Ground Tests in

1948 and 1951, specifically contained @ provision that there
was to be no censorship of personal mail; rather, all ysersonnel
were urged to practice voluntary censorship.

The public informa-

tion plan for Operation IVY, as approved by the Commission,
indicated that only a brief announcement of the conclusion of
test activities would be made following the completion of the

The Commission in establishing the public

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Appendix "A"


Select target paragraph3