with coconut groves and other focd creps to replace the ccconut groves
and garden plots cn Bikini Islanc wnich, for the foreseeable future,
will continue to be restricted as to use.
Experimental garden plots for vegetables, bread®ruit, and other crops
have been established cn Eneu Island and are flcurishing. Analytic
test results of these garden crops will be evailable by early sumer,
1978. Since coconuts cn Fneu Isiard already have been tested arc
are safe, it is expected, in view of the vastly lower radicactivity
level cf the Eneu soil, that other food crops also will be useable.
The restrictions on the use of Bikini Islard, however, do pose the
guesticn es to whether ail cof the arproxirately 500 Bikinians who
have indicated a strong Cesire to return to Bikini Atoll, can be

adequately accomodated on Fneu Island. Even if they cen it is
anticipated that a small grour cf Bikinians will elect to remin cn
Kili Islard. Estimates for rehabilitaticn of the Kili Islarc conmmmityv
facilities are set at a minimum cf $2,000,000, thus making the overali

Bikini Pehabilitaticn Fecuest $15 millicn at 1977 prices.

Should the present tests being uncertaken on Eneu Island Cemonstrate
that islerd's unsuitability fcr agvicultural purpeses, or if the
aerial survey reveals unexpected negative results, then resettlerent of
the Bikinians ray heve to ke consicered outsice the area of Bikini Atoll.
Kili Island, even thouch it micht be rehabilitated and ceveloped, cces
not possess encuch lanc area sufficient to support the people cf Bikini
in the future. Its lack of a lagoon prohibits, to a creat extent,
exploitaticn of marine resources. Any resettiewent elsq@vhere will
entail sums equal to, if rot greater than, the amount requested in
this authcrization. It is therefore essential that an authorizaticn
be approved by Cergress to enable this Lepartdrent to start the initial
phase of the final resettlement of the pecple cf Bikini.
The Office of Management and Budget has acvised that there is no
objection to the presentation of this draft bill from the standpoint
of the Administration's pregran.


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